Gas station

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We have no more water.
Ron didn't pay the water bill and drunk up all of the money for the rest of the bills. The house now smells like sweat and stale cigarettes. Today I had to walk all the way to the nearest gas station early in the morning with one dollar on me and my school clothes, a rag, a bar of soap, toothbrush, and tooth paste in my school bag. I walk in and the old clerk looks at me popping her gum that I'm pretty sure she didn't pay for. I smile at her with the sweetest smile I could and walk close to her. "Hey um do you have a bathroom?"

"You gotta buy something." She said checking her phone. I look around at the shelves behind her.

"Um can I get a zebra cake?" She turns and grabs it. I give her the money and she gives it to me with fifty cents in change back.  She hands me a key attached to a Barbie doll.

"When you're done give the key back okay."

"Okay." I go into the bathroom. It's very small with little space. A wooden seat toilet, moldy walls and floors, one of those sinks where you can see the pipes, and  a bar of soap to wash your hands. I turn the hot water on and it makes a sound like it's pushing all of the water out at once with force in it. I take my clothes off one at a time. Yep it came to this, washing up in gas station bathroom with mold all around me. I only do my crotch and under my arms before getting into my school clothes. I put on my coat that I had on when I walked in and quickly brushed my teeth. I packed up my clothes and other things and make out of the bathroom. Quickly I rush to the door. 

"Hey!" I hear. I turn to the sassy cashier. "The key kid." I walk over to her and hand her the key. "Have a nice day." She said that with little to no enthusiasm. 

I make my way to school eating the small cake. I could hear them coming behind me. I finish the cake and put my hood up over my head and throw the wrapper in to a random trash can. "Look she's looking for food!" I hear the burst of their laughter it sort of startled me and it didn't make it any bet that I just stood there like a damn idiot looking into the trash. I finally closed it and speed walked in across the street biting the skin off my bottom lip, grinding my teeth on it as well. They walk slowly behind me making jokes. I never turn to look at them, that would be the death of me if I ever did. I just keep my hood up, head down, and legs working so fast that I get to school in the blink of time. I just concentrate on the ground.  I see an ant, a piece of green brown looking gum, I think dog stuff,---

"I bet her mom goes trash picking!" I walk slowly and now I'm listening very closely. 

"Yeah and her mom's a whore!" I couldn't stop listening. "Shit I heard her mom gave the trashman a blowjob for a dollar." They laugh.

"Ew he might have a fucking STD now oh my God!" A girl from the group exclaims in squirmish high pitched voice. I'm almost walking at snail pace by then. "Oh wasn't her mom walking out side drunk trying to strip in front of the church."

"No wonder why that crazy bitch can't keep a man." A guy said. I stand still and hear them come close. "Oh so you finally hear us." He says getting in my face. It was a group of six this time. 

"Just get out of my way." I say regretting ever stopping. He laughs in my face.

"You made that we were talking a bout your drunk bitch of a mom." I made a fist in my pockets. "Huh?" Then the insults came for me and mother. I tried to walk through them but they made a circle around me.  "What are going to do?" He pushes me so hard I fall down. I look at my scraped bloody palms and look up at him. He smiles at me wickedly. I stand up and charge at him pushing him down. I send a punch to his nose, his forehead, neck, and then all over and no one stops me.
A girl was recording while everyone else just stood there in shock some even saying, "Get her off of you!" and "Hit her back damn it!" I keep going until he begs me to stop. I stop to let out a breath. He's a bloody mess; his nose is broken with blood streaming out of both nostrils, both cheeks are bruised, and his mouth is so bloody. I didn't have time to look at all of the damage that I had done. I got up off of him and look around at them. The one girl stops recording and they all look at me with shock. They make me away out of the circle and I run as fast as I could to school not slowing down once.  

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