So You Like Maroon 5?

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Saturday. The day Luke's been dreading since Thursday. He got Maroon 5 tickets, field tickets but he got them. He knew Bella was on field because she tweeted about it. Yes, Luke stalked her twitter and saw every indirect directed to him...well, to Joe.

@/FindingHemmo: You can't love someone without being disappointed.

@/FindingHemmo: I miss him :-(

@/FindingHemmo: *Avril Lavigne's voice* la la lalalalala helloooo heartacheee

@/FindingHemmo: anyways if you're going to Maroon 5's concert this Sat and you're on the field then hmu!!!!

Without much to say, Luke just bought field tickets without hesitating and now he was outside the venue waiting for the doors to open. He was wearing sunglasses, a snapback and a hoodie to cover himself just in case someone recognized him and started to bring all the attention towards him. It was like a Mission Impossible kind of thing because he was undercover trying to get the girl of his dreams back.

There were like thirty girls in the line before him and he thought to himself "woah, this is what our fans go through before entering the venue." Excited girls squealing, on he verge of crying for these dudes. Actually, Maroon 5 was an amazing band and Luke really liked them.

"Excuse me," a female voice said behind him. He, scared and praying she wouldn't recognize him, turned around and mumbled a 'yes?'. The girl frowned a bit but spoke up anyways. "Have you seen an average, brown haired girl around here? She told me she was in the almost front." The girl chuckled.

"Uh- I haven't, sorry."

"Sandra!" Another girl from the front of the line yelled at the girl in front of him whose name was apparently Sandra.

"Bella! I was looking for you!" Sandra yelled back and ran towards her. Luke's eyes widened under those dark glasses and looked over to where the voice was coming from.

Bella. His Bella was there looking beautiful, wearing denim shorts and a hoodie. Her hair was up on a ponytail and her gorgeous face wasn't hidden by her hair. "Fuck." He cursed under his breath. He couldn't go and say hi right now so he just decided to wait until the doors opened. It was 2pm so the doors should open in like two hours...two freaking hours. "Why did I have to come alone..." Luke mumbled and put his hands in the pocket of his black skinny jeans.


4pm and the doors opened. He was thrilled. Excited. Terrified. He had a mix of emotions that were fucking his stomach. He felt like throwing up.

Luke made it into the venue where the band was going to play and looked around. At least fifty girls were dispersed all over the field. He couldn't find Bella anywhere so Luke gave up and pulled out his phone to text her. Or call her? Call her for the first time? Should he do it?

The next thing he knew, he had already dialed Bella's number and pressed 'call'. After four rings a shaky voice answered. "H-hello?" His heart sank to the sound of her. Luke tried to remain calm so he took a deep breath and faked a not-so-deep-voice.

"Um, hello.."

"Joe?" She asked.

" um...I'm sorry?" His apology sounded more like a question.

"You are asking me you're sorry or you're actually apologizing?" She chuckled dryly on the other line.

"No, no. I'm really sorry." His shaky voice said.

"Okay," she simply replied. "Took you long enough." She chuckled a bit. Luke mumbled an 'I know' and stayed quiet for mere seconds.

"I, um, I am at this-um- venue where Maroon 5 is playing and-" he was caught off guard when he heard a high pitched squeal on the other line.

"You what?! Where are you?!" Her anger seemed to have fade away and curiosity and excitement took over.

"Y-Yeah, tell me what you're wearing. I want to surprise you." As soon as he said that, he spotted her standing alone really close to the stage. He started to walk towards Bella in a slow pace since he wasn't too far from her either. She was looking up, down, left and right to see if she could spot him. Luckily there were like three other guys around so he wouldn't be recognized that easy. Was he really going to do this?

"This is the first time we actually talk on the phone and you're surprising me?" She laughed lightly. He saw her laugh, he saw the smile that was across her face when she said that.

"Yep, one thing though." He stopped walking once he was like three feet away from her.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Promise me you won't freak out and you won't be disappointed nor change the way you normally act around people." He chuckled and let out a heavy breath.

"Okaaaay? Don't worry, I just want to meet you already." After that, Luke hung up without saying anything else. He saw how she looked at her phone confused and he smiled shaking his head. Her back was facing him so he took that chance to take off his snapback and finally tapped her shoulder.

The girl turned around and her eyes widened so much that looked like they were about to pop out of her head. "So," Luke started casually. "You like Maroon 5?"



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