Its okay to cry sometimes

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Thoughts were rushing through my head so fast I couldn't think straight. Flying as fast as I could back down to earth cringing at the thought of Dan being pain, you would think I would be used to people being in pain by now but nope I'm not. As soon as I landed I sprinted to dans house. Opening the door not caring if that was rude.

"DAN!" I yelled, I could hear sobbing.

I followed the noise opening a door which led to Dan curled up in the corner in the dark, crying his eyes out and holding his hand over his arm. After bandaging his arm I look closely at him.

He had a lifeless expression and sad brown eyes which looked like they were pleading for help.He whispered something only just loud enough to hear.

"Why are you doing this?" He whispered.

"Doing what?" I questioned.

"Trying to get close to me" he said looking into my eyes, only then did I see all the pain and sadness in his eyes. "Your just going to leave once you get me to trust you"

I sighed heavily ignoring what he said then I crawled closer to the sad boy putting my arms around him, he hesitated then put his head on my shoulder. He seemed embarrassed that he had cried.
"It's okay to cry sometimes" I smiled a little then told a little white lie "it's only human and we're all human" well most of us anyway.

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