GAC in your hometown

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Y/H/T= Your hometown

Imagine Your on your way back from school/work *whatever you are doing* And you are stopped by a stranger.. She asks you if you have any idea about the town's history specifically the hauntings. Just as she mentions hauntings.. Your mind clicks and you recognize her as Ashley Wasley!!

You: Hey you're Ashley Wasley!! From Ghost Adventures!
Ashley: Yeah, you recognize me?
You: Uh. yeah! You're instagram is amazing!!!
Ashley: No way thanks!! You look amazing! I love that look!!
You: Really?? Thanks!
Jay: Ahem. Im Jay, Ashley's husband *shakes hand*
You: Hi! Im a huge fan!
Jay: Well then you already know Aaron-Zak and Billy
Aaron: Hey!
Zak: *waves*
Billy: *walks up to you* *in his usual sweet voice* Hey- Im Billy...
You: *awestruck* H-hi.. Im a huge fan. I--
Billy: I dont look that bad in person do i? 
You: Wait what?
Billy: You're awestruck..
You: No no thats cuz I like y-- *blushes*
Billy: *winks at you*
Ashley: *jaw drops* *smirks at you*
You: *gives Ash the side eye*

*After a professional talk with GAC and agreeing to be their tour guide*

Zak: Then its settled! thanks for your help!
You: No prob!!
Ash: You wanna go shopping?
You: Sure!
Billy: I'll drop you!
Ash: Uh no thanks, Inferno *starts walking*
Billy: Why not.
Ash: Well cuz its only a block away from here.. *looks at you*
You: *biting your lip, looking at Billy*
Billy: *mouths a kiss*
Ash: Why do YOU care Billy...?
Billy: ... *laughs* I just
You: *blushes*
Ash: Cut it out already!!!

You: *Going through clothes*
Ash: So whats u with you and Bill.
You: Uh-- I dunno..
Ash: Do- You like him..
You: Um.. Yeah
Ash: Wow.. So the flirting was real..
You: I wouldn't call it flirting..
Ash: *sarcasm* Oh well what would you call it then.. *winks*
You: Shut up!

Ash: You wanna go out for drinks later?
You: Yeah.
Ash: Is it okay if the guys come? Cuz Jay won't let me off alone and--
You: And what?
Ash: I know Inferno has a surprise for you up his sleeve and i wanna see what it is.
You: What do you mean by 'something up his sleeve'?
Ash: I dunno he might ask you out or something..
You: Huh. Yeah right!


Everyone laughing hysterically.
Zak: Hey! Another round right here!!

Billy: *sitting next to you*
You: *sips drink* *winks at Billy*
Billy: *winks back*
You: *bites lips*
Billy: So is there anything other than beautiful women in this city?
You: Stick around and I'll show you...
Billy: Tomorrow.
You: Sure.. *sips drink* It doesn't have to end there...
Billy: I assure you it wont.. *smiles*
You: *giggles*

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