GAC Imagine- The renunion

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Imagine GAC is at a location that they're gonna investigate later that week. They wandering around when they enter an hallway and they freeze........

You wonder, what could have made GAC's heart stop. Who was on the other side of this..... In truth it was a part of GAC itself on the other side of this situation for it was Nick standing at the end of this hallway...

Ashley made her way past the guys and in disbelief asked.."Nick...?". Nick flashed a weak smile at his his former co worker and to his surprise his friend. He couldn't believe that Ashley still considered him a friend. In less than 2 seconds Ashley ran up to him and hugged him as tight as she could.

The guys didnt join in. They were... waiting for Zak's cue. Ashley pulled away as Nick made his way to the rest of the crew. He stood face to face with Zak. At the same time as if by telekinesis or something Zak and Nick hugged. It wasn't a normal hug. It was one of those hugs that Sam and Dean Winchester would do after facing a near death situation. Or like Vin Diesel and Paul Walker would in Fast and Furious... After almost a year, the brothers united once more.

Zak murmured a soft Im sorry and Nick said one back They pulled away. And Aaron joined the hug tears flowing from his brown eyes... "Hey.. G", Nick said smiling at his brother. "Hey G". They hugged.

They broke off, As Nick moved on To Billy he hollered, "DJ INFERNO!!!!". Billy hollered back, "NICK G MY MAN!!!" They hugged and laughed it off. It was like old times them trying to be cool.

Last but not the least.. Jay. "Hey Nick." They hugged. "Good to see ya Jay."

Who would have thought a GAC Reunion...

"what are you doing here G?", Aaron asked.
Nick: I was checking this place out might investigate it sometime..
Zak: *face lights up*


Zak:*to the camera* We are here at The Haunted hotel Ive been blabbing about since the start of this episode. Sorry about that. Aaron you ready?
Aaron: *really happy* YUP!!
Zak: Lets go in then!!!.... Wait! We also have a special guest here tonight... Special Guest you wanna come out now???
Nick: *Jumps into frame* SURPRISE GAC FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aaron: NICKS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zak, Nick and Aaron: *Cheer*
Zak: U wanna go in first.
Nick: Why do u want me to go in first...?
Zak: Fine Aaron can go first.
Aaron: Uh no! Youngest goes in first!!!
Nick: No way!!
Zak: Ugh come on!!!

Nick: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zak: Another job well done guys!!
Nick: This was fun bro...
Zak: *heart sinks*

Everybody cheers....

  Author's Note: Look we dont know if Nick's coming back or if The guys are on good terms with him either. The only thing we can do is wait... The only PRODUCTIVE things that we can do: 1) Keep supporting Nick and GAC 2) Keeping they're good moments alive. 4) And being there for them. :_) *FUN FACT* Im crying right now. I was at the part just before Zak and Nick hug I was think what i should write there and See you again by Charlie Puth and Wiz Khalifa started playing.... I MISS NICK TOO but instead of crying.. we can be happy for what we have right?  



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