Chapter 7

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Chloe's POV
My lip quivers and I force words out. "M-mo-m-" but of course my stutter takes over.

"Baby girl," a low whisper.

"Wh-wh-what a-are you doi-"

"Baby take it slow," a gentle caress on my arm, covered with goosebumps-either from the cold night, or the terror of seeing my dead mother trotting around. I know, it's fairly cliché, but I think it'd happen to anyone if they saw what I see, ditzy heroine or brilliant protagonist.

"Who summoned you?" Somehow this came out clear, I assume it's the pure anger speaking.

"I-I don't know." My stutter came from my mom. "As soon as I returned to my body the necromancer was gone." A shrug exposing bone from the shoulder. Normally that would be disturbing, but I've seen it to many times before, and this is my mom.

"Okay well I'll release you," I lower myself, my knees hit the ground and I erase all thoughts from my mind- most of them, enough to concentrate.

I visualize pushing her out of the rotting corpse, mentally shoving her away from the disturbance of her decomposed body. A good five minutes of pure focus.

I open my eyes and there she still stands. I have to keep trying, I retreat back into a crouch, and amp it up.

A faint voice "Baby....take....easy raise... others."

"Oh-oka-kay." More visualizations, although this time as my mother warned me, I went slower. Ten more minutes and my eyes open to see no one but my mothers ghost levitating.

"Okay I know we obviously need to talk, but I-I'm out se-searching for my f-f-friend and Au-u-nt Lauren." Her eyes widen.

"Why baby girl? W-what's wrong?"

"W-well, they w-went o-on a w-"

"Baby remember what your counsellor said," we say it in sync, "Take a d-deep brea-"

I stop short, "How-how do you know that-" has my mother been watching me?

"I've been watching you. I was just going to for a bit after my death, to see how you're doing. But I just missed you so much, so every now and then I'd check up on you, I guess you'd say." The saying 'She'll be looking down on you', oddly enough was true, just not from heaven. The night wind sent a shiver through me, I rub my arms. She continues "Anyways this isn't the first time I'd been summoned."


"Two years ago, I'd been drove back into my body and sent out along with one hundred other zombies to attack a sorcer named Samuel Lyle." What feels like a poison swims through my veins as I acknowledge that name. "Two years in Transalvanyia, forced to search for a madman, who possibly wasn't even there. Two years of not knowing if you were okay." My head throbs and I take a deep breath. None of this is possible, Sam Lyle is dead, the bodies in the basement told me. Why would they lie about that? I exhale. So I'd go away.

I stare at my sneakers lost in thought, scared,"Mom this is really something we should talk about when we have the time. I really want to hear about it, but I have to look for my friend and Aunt Lauren." I cover my hands with my sweater, they're red. I look up to find her fading, drifting away from me.

"Mom! What's going on? Hey!"

She doesn't respond, and in seconds she's gone.

I pull my hood up to shield my ears from the wind, and walk into the night.

Derek and Chloe ImagineWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu