Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
Simon's POV

I've been hopelessly walking for half an hour going on 45 minutes, hoping to stumble into Derek and Lauren, or to find out that someone else has found them. I've also got a little disoriented but my compass got me back on track.

Horrible thoughts raid my mind, and terrible possibilities maneuver their way into my head. I've never been one to worry like this, but they have been out for almost two hours. I keep going though, Derek sacrifices himself daily, I owe it to him- we all do.

In the distance I can see a bright light. Assuming it's Chloe, Dad, Tori, Nate or even Derek and Lauren I make my way over. It's farther than I thought. When I arrive I realize it must have been at least a mile.

In front of me is a huge fire. It takes me a minute to see that it's a tent burning. The hairs on the back of my neck rise, it's our tent.

Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while, I have the next chapter written as well, so when I see that people have read this chapter, I'll post the next one! Love you all :) Thanks so much for the support!

Derek and Chloe ImagineWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu