Chapter 1

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Waking up is always the hardest part. It's as though you've been in paradise, where you're with all your friends, family, and all those you love. It doesn't matter if they're dead or alive, but no matter what, all of them, they're always alive in my dreams.

But waking up. It's like that paradise you were in just a minute ago is suddenly ripped away from you. Just gone.

Waking up takes time. And that just makes it harder. There's two parts of waking up. The first awake is the good one. The one where you remember your dream, and you can just relive it. That last moment when your dream just maybe could've been real and all of the sudden-

You're awake.

Really actually awake. That's the part when you realize it was just a dream and it slowly fades away...piece by piece...bit by bit, until it's all gone.

It's in those moments that you realize that you're alive and awake. And he's not.

There is a certain luckiness to having one of these dreams though, you get to see him again. Although you don't see him, It's the best I'll ever get.

It's been almost two months since I last saw him.

And I miss him more than anything. The things I would do to just see him again. To feel his soft skin, that was always a little bit dry from too much salt water. Just to see that silly lop-sided smile that always made him look like he had a secret to tell, but you know he'd tell you anything. To hear his smooth, rich voice telling me stories of his past, and his plans for our future together.

No, alone. He's not here anymore and that's just something I have to live with.

Oh Gods, I miss you Percy.

I can't keep trying to live this dream like this. I have to get up and face reality. Because no matter how much I want the dream to last forever, It never does. It can't.

I have quests to go on, people to save, prophecies to fulfill, but I'll just have to do it by myself.

(line break)

"Annabeth" a tense voice said, snapping me out of my ridiculously dramatic soliloquy. "Come on we've got that lesson for the new comers in 30 minutes."

It was Malcolm. I rolled over and opened my eyes. It didn't take me long to realize my pillow was wet with tears.

"You know what, I think I'm just going to stay here this time."

"Come on Annabeth, this is your sixth time in a row not going!"

"I know, I know. I'll go next week."

"Annabeth, you say that but I know you don't mean it. Sitting here alone isn't going to help you get over Percy!"

I tensed at the name of my deceased love. I looked away from him. I knew he was right, but that just made it more painful.

There was a knock at the door, and then Rachel entered.

"Hey Annabeth, Chiron wants to see you."

"Does he know we have a class starting in ten minutes?" Malcolm asked.

"I told you I'm not going." I responded blatantly.

"Alright your loss, you're the one who has to go see Chiron." he said mockingly.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." I joked. He simply scoffed in response.

"I guess I'll be leaving now. I'll be there until eight o'clock if you want to stop by."

"Okay, bye." I said, a little bit too quickly, making it obvious that I didn't want him there. It's not that I didn't like him, it's just that he's always pressuring me to do stuff.

"Annabeth are you coming or not?" Rachel asked, still standing in the doorway.

"yeah. Tell Chiron I'll be there in 15."

Authors Note:
Alright finished with chapter 1! What do you guys think? The next chapter will be focusing on Percy, and I'll keep switching them off back and forth until they meet, in which I will probably do third person, or some outside POV. Please leave reviews, good, bad, ugly, idrc.

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