Sick Thorin x (dwarf) reader

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Request by anon: Hi! Can I request a story where Thorin hurts the reader in a fit of anger due to his dragon sickness? :3

Words: 676

WARNING: Thorin slaps the reader and the reader slaps back. Acouple cuss words lie in here.


"Thorin if you would jus-" your husband cut you off.

"Do not tell me what to do! Who let you marry me?!" Thorin yelled as the crown slightly slanted on his head. You were absolutely dumbfounded. This gold was doing things to him.

"Maybe I can't tell you what to do Thorin, but it was you who married me! You are not yourself!" Tears found their way to your eyes. Thorin continued to glare at you. His long black-fur robe glided over gold when he walked and the gold clanged beneath his feet.

"Where is the Thorin that I used to love?" you said weakly as tears cascaded down your face. Your lover's face looked hurt for a moment and it seemed, as if for a second, the real Thorin shown through. All too soon Thorin brought his glare back with vengeance.

"So be it! I do NOT want your love. Take it else where, so I may be rid of your presence!" Thorin turned his back to you. Thorin's words crushed your heart more than you could even say. He was being so stubborn! The gold was taking hold of his ears and giving him a bad case of selective hearing. Maybe if you talked about gold it wouldn't lighten the mood, but now you completely serious on this matter.

You let out a scream if rage,"UGGGHH!" You kicked some gold roughly with your foot and watched as it accelerated into the air and a piece hit Thorin's back– making him freeze in place.

"You do not see what you have become! My Thorin wouldn't do this! My Thorin would be out there, right now, making peace with the men of the lake! Who are you to decide what's best for the company? If you will not stand for us, then.....," you tried to hide the shake in your voice," then I will not stand with you," you walked up behind him,"if you are no longer Thorin Oakenshield, then who are you?" You asked bitterly.

Suddenly Thorin turned around in a flash and back handed you hard across the face. You fell with thud and a clang onto the enormous treasure horde. The gold and sharp gems hurt from your fall. You let out a breathy weep as you clutched your red and viscously stinging cheek. Thorin's leaned down and leaned in close to your face.

"I am the king," he whispered those four deadly words. You felt fear shoot through you as you realized just how much power Thorin thought he had. With new found anger, you stood up quickly and slapped him across the face. He growled at you as you backed away quickly.

Thorin glared while you while you brought a shaky hand to your ring finger. You watched as it looked like the real Thorin was watching you. Your fingers closed around the band that wrapped around your finger. The gorgeous gold ring with shining diamond on top glittered as it moved. In a fast motion you pulled the ring off of your finger and held it up for him to see. Silent tears rolled down your cheeks.

You were surprised to find a shocked Thorin watch as you hurled the wedding ring farther into the cavern. It tinked off of coins as it skidded to a stop.

"Why don't you add that to your fucking collection," you said coldly. Thorin looked surprisingly hurt, again.

"Maybe in the midst of wandering around your gold, you'll find it and return it to me. In the meantime, stay the hell away from me. The others will hear about this. We'll just see then if they'll still side with their....'king'," you looked at his still hurt face as you turned on your heel and exited the cursed horde. You sobbed all the way back to the company.

One day Thorin will understand. The day will come when he knows what he's done and forgives. Until then you thought sitting back and watching the gold corrupt his heart would be most amusing. 

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