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Characters: Thorin, Company, Bilbo, Gandalf, Skin changer reader, Thgranduil, Bard.

Summary: So this is an alternate ending in BOTFA. It begins right after Bard leaves trying to have peace with Thorin. You, a skin changer, has had enough of Thorin's gold- sick crap. You decide to take matters into your own hands and ultimately save many lives.

WARNING: Language and you get the literal smack-down on Thorin. 


"The great treasure horde of Erebor," you heard Thorin's voice say in a dark manner. "It all belongs to me! The king under the mountain! This mighty wealth belongs to no one else," he shouted coldly. You looked down at Bilbo with an open mouth. Bilbo was just as shocked by what Thorin was saying. This dragon sickness was an actual thing after all.

"You do realize you who sound like, do you not?" You asked Thorin.
"I sound like someone who is completely deserving of riches! Do NOT speak to me again unless it is of important matters," he went to turn away, but something in your skin-changer veins snapped.

You had, had it with this little charade. You would take no more of his kingly shit. You grabbed him roughly by the wrist; he turned to angrily. You ripped off his gold plated crown.

"You RAT! Get off of me!" He yelled at you.

"No. My self, the dwarves, and Bilbo have had enough," you began dragging him out of the large treasure room. Thorin cursed all the way up the hidden passage. You ripped off his large black robe and a few other things that symbolized power. You dropped the dwarf outside so he could breath the free air. Bilbo was more than happy to watch all of this go down.

"You miserable piece of filth!" Thorin said as he swung at you. You dodged it and grabbed his arms with a firm grip. You used a free hand to smack him across the face. He looked at you more focused now.

"Snap out of it Thorin! That gold has changed you! You are becoming something you're not!" You drilled the truth into him.

"Do not speak to me of CHANGE! You're the one who is attacking me all of the sudden! I have not changed! I am only being who I was bored to be! I am not Thorin I am-" you cut him off by kicking his feet from under him, he fell to the floor and you pinned his arms above his head.

"You listen here, and you listen well you little shit. If you don't get you're act together, people are GOING to die. That is not a lie, that is for a fact! There are legions of Orcs and Goblins headed this way. Sure, you're kin are coming as well, but if you don't do something fast, your kin will be less in numbers than they have EVER been. YOU promised your word to the men of the lake. I am taking you to Bard and youare going to give him his rightful amount of treasure to rebuild his town. Webrought death and ruin to his people! You will give Bard this gold without complaint, understood? You are THORIN fucking, Oakenshield, not your gold-sick grandfather!"

"You are going to give the eleven king Thranduil, his gems Thorin. Do you understand?" You were seething with rage you tried to not let the wolf inside you tear it's way out. It's growls became more evident in your voice.

Thorin began trying to push you off of him, but you pushed him back down, this seemed to get his attention more," DID I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!" You asked him.

"......," he breathed heavy," y-yes," he said softly.

"Louder! You agreeing to this is saving countless lives Thorin! I want to hear you say it LOUDER!" You growled at him.

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