Life Support from a Mountain King

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Pairing: Thorin x dwarf reader

Summary: You have had a crush on Thorin for quite some time and it seems like he is oblivious to efforts to try and woo him. You've had enough and go into the woods where thousands of fireflies lie. You sing a song and the fireflies dance and swirl around you. Little did you know, Thorin was watching you the whole time.

Words: 884

Song: Life Support by Sam Smith

Note: All of the versions of the song on Youtube, are edited (i.e. have a high pitch or is sped up) I recommend actually listening to it on iTunes or something. It's definitely a great song.


"What is this?" Thorin asked looking into your eyes.

"It's something I made from my sketchbook. It's supposed to be the Arkenstone, but I've never actually seen it, so this is what I imagine it looks like," you finished quickly.

"It....looks a lot like it," he smiled at you. "Although the real gem is a bit more round. The color is very beautiful. It looks very much like your eyes," he said and you blushed.

"You're saying my eyes are beautiful?" You tried to hide a smile. Your smile died as you watch the king look at the ground with a blank expression as he folded up the drawing. He handed it to you, his face wiped of emotion.
"Keep it. It was made for you," you said s bit coldly to him. Why did he have to get to closed off when it came to sentimental things? Did he not know your true feeling for him? You turned on your heel and walked past the company who sat around a fire.

"W-where are you going?" Bilbo asked and the heads of the dwarves turned towards you.

"To get a piece of mind Bilbo Baggins! It would seem I need some time on my own for a moment," you tried to not let the lump in your throat seep into your words. You slumped off into the deep off the woods.

You walked and walked in a straight line. You let out a sniffle," does he not know?" You whispered. You finally perched yourself upon a fallen log. You felt completely at him here in the dark. You put your head in your hands and sobbed some more.

"Do I not do enough? Am I not enough?" You said to the silent trees. You were absolutely heart broken. For quite some time now you were pouring your heart out to this man, and he didn't see it. You needed him like you needed air, like was some weird life support, but he would never love you.

Fresh tears fell down your cheeks as you watched a small speck of gold light cross in front of you. As your eyes focused on it, it was a Firefly. You reached out and let it sit on the tip of your finger.

"At least someone won't judge me," you talked to it. It flickered it's gold light a few more times. You looked up into the trees and found them lit with fireflies. You have a small smile.

"You didn't do all of this for me, did you?" You laughed and wiped some of your tears. You let the bug fly back up to his friends. You decided to sing a song– this always helped you get through tough times and you weren't a bad singer.

"I've been sleeping with the lights on.Cause the darkness is surrounding you.This is my world, this is my choice

And you're the drug that gets me through.

I've been waiting for an answerBecause I built this bed for twoI'm just hanging on your answerI built this bed for me and you", you stood and began walking. While you walked the fireflies followed you. You were completely encompassed by gold flickering lights. They swirled all around you in a flawless dance.

"You Can't you see that I am yours?So will you be my life support?You're my life support

You're my life support," it seemed like thousands of fireflies moved with you as you danced with them. They lit the air, trees, and ground with their lit.

"Sick of waking up in darknessWhen the sky is always painted blue

There's a method to my madnessIt's clear that you don't have a clue
I've been waiting for an answer

Because I built this bed for two

I'm just hanging on your answerI built this bed for me and you

Can't you see that I am yours?So will-" you were cut off by seeing the mountain king staring at you in awe. The fireflies stayed around you, but began dispersing to nearby trees or plants.

"I-I was just coming back," you went to walk past him, but he grabbed your arm. You looked him with small tears.

"[first name]....," he looked at you desperately.

"What?"you didn't want to seem like you were mad, but you kind of were. You were more than surprised when he kissed you passionately on the lips. You took a moment before kissing him with the same list. He broke the kiss and looked in your eyes.

"What was that for?" You referred to the kiss.

"I need you y/n, more than anything. I apologize. I did not want to get close because I will not risk this quest for the life of one of the company. I can't get attached, but it would seem that's not going to happen with you. I know you have been feeling the way do y/n, and I feel the same way. I am sorry I have been putting this off," he looked down and you cupped his cheek. He looked back into your eyes.

"I accept your apology," he looked at you stunned. "Ive got my answer Thorin," you leaned in and kissed him under the light of the fireflies. 

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