Chapter Four

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Second period was English, which was super boring considering I knew the language fluently. Everyone in that class was super smart though so no one talked to me because they were so focused on their work.

By the time Theater came along, I was already so hungry. There was one more period left until lunch but I didn't know if I could make it. Luckily, I had Leah in my Theater class so at least it would be bearable.

I walked in and Leah was the only other student in the class besides this other girl. Leah was sitting in the back corner and she started slamming her hand on the desk next to her, indicating she saved the seat for me.

"Kara!" She called.

I placed my bag on the floor and Leah and I engaged in conversation.

"Thank goodness, you didn't have Woo Bin or D.O in your last period." I said relieved.

"Wait what's wrong with D.O?" Leah asked me sheepishly.

"His girlfriend doesn't need any more reason to hate you Leah!"

"But i haven't even done anything wrong why would she hate me?" Leah argued in defense.

"Obviously D.O is into you or at least is spending a lot of time with you which would make any girlfriend jealous." I said.

"But he's just being nice.." She mumbled.


"Who likes me?" I turn around and standing right in front of me was JB, smiling.

"JB! Oh my goodness you scared me," I said.

"Was it because you guys were talking about me?" He grinned as he took the seat in front of Leah.

"No. Not at all. By the way JB this is my cousin Leah. Leah this is JB." I gestured.

JB cleared his throat and put up a finger, "Correction. 'This is my super gorgeous, athletic, charming friend: JB." He smiled flashing his perfect set of teeth.

Leah laughed as I rolled my eyes.

"Nice to meet you," She shook hands with JB.

"HEY SQUAAAADDDD!!!!" I turn around again, and there stood Kai.

"What the heck?" Exclaimed JB, "Dude what are you doing here?"

"I didn't know we all have this class together," he winked at me as he took the seat in front of me.

"You must be Leah," he smiled at my cousin who was obviously flustered by Kai's looks from the look on her face. Leah just nodded as she shook his hand.

"Dammit Kai," JB slammed his hand on the desk, "Quit the charm man, save some girls for the rest of us."

Kai laughed as he brushed his hair back with his fingers.

"Aish for real man." JB was watching Kai.

"Oh SHUTUP you have your fair share of cheerleaders." Kai replied.

"I'm not into cheerleaders. You get all the hot nerdy chicks because of the stupid mysterious vibe you give off. Gosh I hate you bro." He shook his head.

Kai shrugged, "What can I say?"

"Ok class. Attention!" The teacher called from the front of the room. Kai turned around to face the board so his back was turned to me. I leaned forward in my desk to see the board better as the teacher continued with her announcement. As I neared Kai, his cologne was starting to linger towards me. I slowly inhaled sneakily as I got closer to Kai, making sure no one was watching. Wow he smelled good.

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