Chapter Two

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"LEAH! Wake up! School starts in an hour but we need to go early to get familiarized with our classes". Leah turned and groaned under her blanket.

"LEAH!" I yanked the blanket off of her.

After doing so, I ran to the shower and quickly freshened up. After tying my hair back into a ponytail and securing it with a bow, I put on my uniform. It was adorable; there was a small skirt and sweater with a tie and long knee socks to go with. We didn't have a uniform in America so I loved this.

I opened the door and there stood Leah ready to go. As always, she looked beautiful. I sighed. I was always jealous of my cousin's small petite frame. I wasn't a giant, Leah was just a couple inches shorter than me. Her legs were just shorter than mine so basically everything looked extra cute on her. Her dark hair was braided to the side with small strands falling in her face.

"Ready?" She asked. I nodded. "Let's go! "

Jenny drove us to school after picking up breakfast on the way there. While stuffing my face with a muffin, I thought of how much I missed my mom's homemade muffins. I shook the thought out of my head.

We pulled up to the school and to our surprise, there were hundreds of students all over campus.

"Oh my god." Leah whispered.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"Ok guys, well... make tons of friends and have fun! What else do parents say? Uh.... don't get pregnant and stay in school! ANNYEONG!" Jenny drove away as fast as she could, leaving Leah and I in laughter.

"Hey! Guys!" We both turned around to see D.O. from the other day running towards us.

"Hey D.O." Leah waved. Oh god.

"You guys look great. Especially now that you don't have a bruise on your nose," he poked Leah's nose as I mentally gagged. D.O laughed an awkward laugh.

"How about I show you guys around?" He suggested.

"That would be awesome." Leah smiled.

"Of course it would," I mumbled.

Leah glared at me in silence, but didn't say anything. Instead she followed D.O who was already heading towards the school, and I slowly followed behind them.

"There's many electives and clubs you can join at our school to become a part of our little family," D.O. said as he walked us down the sidewalk. "This building on the right is our fine arts building. You'll find choir, band, art, theater and everything you can think of in that category there." He gestured to the building on the right, "This building over here leads to the locker rooms, which is where the Athletics change out and then go to those fields." He pointed.

"Hey Kara! That's for you! You should join track here!" Leah suggested, "My cousin is a track star. Back in America, she has a national title."

"Woah! Seriously?!" D.O.'s eyes widened in surprise.

"Yeah I guess." I shrugged.

"That's awesome! Leah what are you into then?" Asked D.O curiously.

"Leah's a writer and a photographer. She writes stories and takes pictures and is amazing at it too." I answeredl

"Hey, me too!" D.O. smiled, "Maybe we can get together and write a story one day."

Leah laughed. "Why not?"

"We should go see the photography room then." Said D.O.

"Yeah that sounds great!" Leah replied as they began making their way to the front of the school again.

"Umm guys I'm gonna check out the track. You guys can go ahead." They nodded as they were in conversation so I grabbed my bag and walked into the fine arts building instead. So much for showing the both of us around the school. I began looking for the choir room and i got some weird looks from passing students as well.

After being lost for ten minutes, I started hearing someone playing the piano. Hmmm... I followed the sound to a big auditorium. I looked through the glass and saw someone sitting on the stage on a piano playing. It was a guy.
He was playing his heart away. I couldn't hear the music well so I slowly opened the door and hid behind a seat as I watched.

He was playing a slow song and he was absolutely amazing. I was mesmerized. I examined the boy's features and noticed his dark hair that was messily perfect. Yes, messy but perfect. After listening for about twenty minutes, he stopped.

"Joenachim." He called. Good morning. I knew that.

Oh crap. He knew I was in here. I stood up and fixed my skirt. I cleared my throat.

"Sorry I was just leaving.." I apologized.

"Yi-ri-wah." Come here. He gestured. I walked to the stage where he was still sitting on the piano.

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