Chapter 15 He could Like Me

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Chapter 15

The week was going by super slow. It still Wednesday for crying out loud. I don’t even know why I was feeling like this, this big ole ball of emotion. Maybe I was acting like this because I secretly loved the attention I was getting from him.

I’m not sure if I like Shane in that way. Or if he likes me for that matter. He was taking me on a date and everything, but that doesn’t really mean he likes me.

I could just be another girl on his check list like Tuesday told me about. He did spend a lot of time with other girls, but he didn’t really seem like the kind of person to do something like that. We are friends after all, he has to care about me a little bit.

“Katsumi!” Someone called.

“He could like me.” I said thinking aloud.


“Huh?” I looked to Mason to see confusion written all over his face. My cheeks grow hot. I can’t believe I said that out loud. “Umm… nothing.”

“If your gonna have fantasies ‘bout some guy, can you at least do it on your own time?” He let out a chuckle. “Because at this rate, we won’t finish the project on time.”

“We could always work on the project out side of class you know.” I said matter-of-factly. Completely ignoring his ‘fantasies’ comment, which really wasn’t too far off target.

“So when are we gonna meet up to do this thing?”

“Doesn’t matter to me, except it can’t be on Friday.”

“Why not Friday?”

“Because…I got tons of stuff to do that day.” I lied. Not wanting to tell him about my date with Shane, but not really understanding why. It’s not like he would care.

“That’s fine with me I have to work Friday, anyway.” He looked at his phone. “Well how about Saturday afternoon?”


The bell rang for us to leave first period and move on to second. Mason didn’t skip class like he normally did. In fact he stayed at school all day. But him staying didn’t stop Juno and her minions from leaving.


Friday was finally here! I tried to be as calm and collected as possible. When I went to lunch Shane was already at our table. He greeted me with a big goofy grin; I couldn’t help but smile back at him. The others made kissy noises in the background.

“So you ready for tonight?” He asked as I took my usual seat next to him.

“Yeah.” I said coolly.

“It’s gonna be fun. I’ll bet on it.”

“Really? And where, pray tell, do you plan on taking me?”

“Well I’m not going to tell you. It’s a secret.” He said with a smirk.

“I can’t even get a hint.”

“Nope.” He said popping the p.

“Well can you at least tell us?” Jaimee spoke up.

“Why should I?” Shane cocked his head to the side.

“Um…because how are we going to help her get ready if we don’t know what she should dress for.”

“I guess you have a point, but I’m sure she’ll look great with whatever she decides to wear.” I couldn’t help but blush. “But I text ya’ll about the place so her attire isn’t way off.”


“He could have just told me to wear regular clothes.” I said as I looked at myself in the mirror. I had freshened up my eyeliner and changed clothes. I was now wearing an All Time Low band T-shirt with one of my many loves Alex Gaskarth on the front. Paired with gray straight-legged jeans and my all to important black high top converse.

“True, but what would be they fun in that.” Harper said as she lay across my bed.

“You still look cute though.” Jaimee said giving me a hug.

“Where’s your house mother…Mrs. Williams?” Tuesday asked. Tuesday was more like me, this girly getting ready for a date stuff wasn’t really her thing. But she came along to be one of the girls.

“I don’t know. I know she’s not at work because I learned her work schedule. Sometimes she just leave the house without a word and comes back late at night. And when I told her about me going out tonight she said ‘Okay, Great. That’s good Britiny’. I was half expecting her to flip out on me like she did with the zoo. But she’s a full grown adult and I’m sure she can take care of herself.”

“Who’s Britiny?” Jaimee and Harper asked in unison.

“Me.” I said curtly.

“But your name’s Katsumi. Why is she callin you-”

“She thinks that because of the way I look, Katsumi is an unfitting name.” I answered Harper.

“Oooh.” Harper and Jaimee said in understanding.

Ding~Dong the doorbell went and we all popped up.

“He’s here.” Jaimee cheered.

We all rushed downstairs to the front door. Harper fluffed my hair one my time before I open the door.

“Hey Sha-” I started but he wasn’t the one at the door.

“Hey Kat.”

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