Chapter 24 Rebel Teenaged Girl

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Chapter 24

       Rebel Teenaged Girl

“Hi Mommy! How was your day today?” Jaimee chirped when she sat at the lunch table.

“It was going great until your ‘father’ told me we had a test in math today and didn’t help me study.” Tuesday said glaring playfully at Robbie.

“I am merely a man I didn’t remember until this morning. I’m sure you did fine.” Robbie said matter-of-factly. Tuesday just shrugged her shoulders.

“I still don’t get why I can’t be a person.” Shane said when he sat down at the lunch table next to me.

“Why is the dog sitting at the table?” Harper sneered.

It had been almost two weeks and everyone had really taken to their family roles. Well everyone except Shane. He didn’t like the fact that he had to be a pet dog. Harper was starting not to like her family idea as much anymore either. She really regretted the decision to make Tuesday the mother and was taking out her frustration on Shane.

Harper was now against it because two days ago Timothy Richland asked Harper, our darling daughter and loving sister, out on a date for this weekend. Playing along with the ‘house’ game we had going on, poor ‘ole Tim had agreed to meet the parents today and Harper wasn’t really happy about that.

It was all Tuesday’s idea. Tuesday being the people watcher that she was. She knew a little something about everyone and Timothy wasn’t an exception.

Mr. Richland was well known for …to put it simply…one to hit it and quit it. And he has a success rate of nine out of ten.

So with Harper claiming she was in love we all agreed that it was best to just deal with her being mad at us rather than some guy breaking her heart.

“How come Shane and Kat can’t be my parents. This is so unfair!” Harper whined.

“You can’t choose your parents poor baby.” Tuesday teased.

“But I did! I chose you but now I take it back!” Harper just about screamed earning us looks from the surrounding tables.

“Um…Harper is this a bad time or something?” A tall well dressed brown headed boy asked. He was standing some what awkwardly to the left of Harper.

“Huh?” Harper turned around to face him. It was cute the way her eyes lit up when she saw him. It’s too bad the guy wasn’t any good.

“No, no. Sit down my boy.” Robbie spoke up when no one else did in a fatherly voice. All he needed was a really thick mustache to complete the character.

“O…kay.” Tim said giving Robbie a weird look. Then took the seat next to Harper that she had been saving.

“So you’re the boy who asked our Harper out?” Tuesday asked him flat out.

“Ah…yeah.” This Timothy didn’t really seem all that bright with the simple answers he was giving.

Tuesday just nodded her head and moved on to her next question. “When was your last girlfriend Tim-o-thy?”

“I haven’t really had a girlfriend in a while. Just dating.” That received a glare from Tuesday. “That’s what teenagers do.” Timothy added defensively. 

“Yeah Tuesday.” Harper said adding to the defense.

“Describe a date you usually take girls on.” Jaimee asked in a more friendly way.   

“Dinner and a movie. Normal stuff.” Timothy answered with a smirk. I guess he found confidence in Jaimee’s friendliness.

Tuesday was quick to strike that confidence down. “How often do you go on these ‘dates’?” She asked in the harshest tone she had.

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