Chapter 2 A New Family

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Chapter 2

Mrs. Klein had decided that I had talked enough for one day and that she would be back tomorrow.

Oh Joy!

I don’t like talking to her. Its not like anything I say is going to change my fate. This world had trapped me in corner, nowhere to go. If I told them what they wanted to hear I would stay here for the rest of my life. But if I told them the truth they would think that I was crazy and lock me away in a psych ward. I know that I’m not crazy. I know what did and didn’t happen.

The guard starts to walk me down the hall of cells. Everyone went silent as I passed their cell. They were afraid of me because of what happen, what they thought I was. They were all in here because they all have done bad things, but none as bad as what I was accused of.

Mrs. Klein had asked me how and why did this all happen. Both of those question are way to easy to answer but I couldn’t dare say it. Not to her or anyone for that matter.

That it all happen because I loved him.

“Hey, Kat.” A small voice sang from inside the cell as the guard opened it and ushered me inside.

“Hey.” I said as I took a seat on the floor.

“So… Who did they have you talking to this time?Did you even say anything to them? What did you say? What did they said to you? Did they tell you whats going on with…”

“Melanie!” I throw my hands up in the air. If I didn’t stop her, she would have just asking questions. Melanie was a hyper one. She was 5’4 with long light brown hair and greenish brown eyes. She is only fifteen years old. She is here because she got in a fight and the police came to break it up they found drugs on her. They weren’t hers and everyone knew that, but she refused to tell whose they really were. Now she has to spend two years of her life in this jail.

“Sorry, you know how I get. So what happen?” She asked with a bright smile.

“Well she asked the same thing.” I looked at Melanie to stop her from asking another question. “Her name is Faelin Klein. I talked to her. She said she wants to help me get out of this.” I sighed. There was no way I could ever get out of this.

“Wow, really?!What is she, like superman or something? You are blamed for murdering all those people, everything points to you. Saying you did it and no one else. And she is saying she can help you?” Melanie laughs as if its all a big joke. “You got a crazy person on your hands. I mean, come on Kat. I’ve gotten to know you and I don’t think you did it but sometimes I’m not so sure. Sometimes, sometimes you can just snap.”

“I’m not a murder!” I stand up and take a step closer to her. “I’m not a monster! And I didn’t do it; I couldn’t do it! I hated them but I couldn’t ever kill them!” My body was shaking and hot tears were rolling down my face. My voice had gone from yelling to a soft hoarse whisper. “I didn’t do it.”


I laid in bed a few hours awake until a guardcame to get me. As we walk down the hall to the interrogation room I wonder if the same Faelin lady would come back. Other people had told me that they would come back and never did. I don’t think that she is any different.

The guard opened the door and I was expect the room to be empty but there sat Mrs. Klein. Waiting and ready for me to talk to her. She looked up as I walked in the room she flashed me a big smile.

“Okay Katsumi. I’m ready when you are.” She said happily like we gonna go get cupcakes or something.

“Why are here?”

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