Chapter 10 Photo Studio

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Chapter 10

The rest of the day all I could think about was Juno and the feeling she gave me. I felt like she had some kind of hold on me. I talked to my friends about it. Robbie, Harper, and Jaimee said I shouldn’t think too much of it. Tuesday on the other hand went on about them being witches and her theories about Juno trying to take over my mind. I didn’t tell them about Juno saying that me and her were friends. I didn’t want them to get the wrong idea.

I just shrugged it off I had other things to worry about.

I only had a week and a half before we had critique in photography and I haven’t take a single photo. I know it was going to take me at least two or three days to process the film and develop the photos.

I needed someone to model for me. Everyone I had asked either couldn’t make time for the photos, where already going to be in someone else’s photo or just didn’t want their picture taken.

I was going to give up on trying to find a model. Maybe I would just do a still-life or something.

When I went to photography the next day I noticed that a few people were already done with their photos. I thought maybe they wouldn’t mind posing for me. But I was wrong.They told me something along the lines of ‘photographers are behind the camera, not in front of it’.

I went to the corner of the room and put my head down on the table, trying to think of something else to photograph.

“I heard you have been looking for someone to model for you.” A sweet voice said. I just knew that no one was talking to me so I didn’t even bother to look up.

“Are you asleep?” A hand touched my shoulder.

I looked up to find that the hand belonged to no other than Mason White.

“Oh, so you not asleep. Do you feel sick or something?” He said full of concern.

“No, I’m fine. I’m just trying to think ofa subject for my photos cause no one was willing to model for me.”

“Didn’t you here me? I said that I would do it.”

“Really?” I asked a little too excitedly.

“Yeah really.” He laughed. “We can take the pictures now if you want.”


I went to Mrs. Perry and asked for both a digital and Black&White camera. Then I followed Mason down the long thin dark hall to the light room so we could take the pictures. The light room doubled as a studio.It just so happened that the light room had the lights off and I tripped on some of the cords to the lighting equipment. I crashed into Mason who thankfully didn’t lose his balance.

“You gotta be more careful.” He chuckledand flicked on the main light.

The light room slash photo studio was really small. One wall had a bookshelf filled with art books and random things. The wall across from it for some reason had a large sink that I could bathe in. The far wall had a small background big enough for maybe two people. As I looked around the room I noticed that Mason was sitting on a stool waiting for me.

“I guess we should get started.” I went to adjust the lighting equipment so it was facing him.

“What do you want me to do?”

“Um…just give a natural pose first and we’ll go from there.”

As I took the shots of him I couldn’t help, but notice how perfect he looked. His flawless silky skin, glossy jet-black hair and sharp icy blue eyes that could take any girls breath away. He was making out to be a great model. I wonder if he has done this kind of thing before.

“Is this good?” He asked changing positions.

“Mmhmm.” I was running out of frames. “Okay I’m going to do the last of them as close ups.”

“Alright.” He smirked and I smiled from behind my camera so he wouldn’t see.

Even though the camera had a zoom I didn’t use it as an excuse to stand close to him. As I stared into his eyes through the lens I snapped the last photo and the film started to rewind. When I pulled the camera down from my face I realized just how close I was to him.

“Well…um I guess that’s it.” I gave him a quick smile. “Thanks.”

He stood up from the stool. Our bodies were almost touching. My breathing quickened and my heart started pacing. I have never been so close to a boy I liked before.

“No problem.” He whispered with a grin.

Before I could say anything he cupped my face and kissed me soft on the lips. It took my a few seconds for me to react and kiss him back. This was the first time I had ever been kissed. Most boys I knew either didn’t think anything of me or thought I was some kind of monster. The kiss we shared was soft, warm, and tender. I never wanted it to end. When the bell rang to tell us that the class was over he pulled away from me.

“I’ll see you around.” That’s all he said as he left out the room.

I was left feeling lost and confused. I turned out all the lights, gathered up my thing then headed to the lunchroom.

“Hey. What’s up Kat?” Robbie asked as I sat down at our table.

“Nothing much.” I faked a smile.

“What’s wrong and don’t lie to me.” He said with eyebrows raised. I haven’t known him all that long and he could already read me.

“Nothing.” I said defensively and pulled a book out of my knapsack and ignored him.

“What are you guys talking about?” Jaimee said. When her and Harper sat down at the table.

“Something’s going on with Kat and she won’t talk about it.” He told them.

“Oh. What’s wrong Katsumi?” Jaimee asked.

“Who’s ass do I have to kick?” Harper asked.

I tried really hard to ignore them but it was nearly impossible. I folded when Tuesday came along. Tuesday kept poking me and saying ‘come on tell us.’ she did that about forty times until I slammed my book down on the table.

“Fine, fine, fine!” I yelled then reduced it to a whisper. “But after I tell you all, we are to never speak of it again. Agreed?”

“Agreed.” They said in unison.

“Okay.” I sighed and looked around before I spoke. “I was taking photos of someone. And when we were done…we kinda…kissed.” I felt blood rushing to my cheeks.

“Who?” Harper asked.

“Um…just nobody.”

“Come on. You said you would tell us.” Robbie whined.

“It was Mason.” I said it so low I could barely hear the words myself.

“You know we can’t hear you.” Tuesday said.

“Mason. I kissed Mason. Okay?”

“You did what?” A voice asked from behind me. I froze. I knew I shouldn’t have said anything.

I turned to face the person who just overheard me and to my relief it was only Shane. Not one of us said anything so he sat down beside me.

“So you made out with my best friend.” He said sounding a little hurt for some reason.

“Mason’s your best friend?” I found that hard to believe. I have never seen the two of them even talk before. Mason was either with Juno or he was by himself.

“Yeah. We’ve been friends since first grade.” He said it like it was a well-known fact.

“Oh.” I made a face.

“You know Juno will kill you if she ever finds out.” He warned.

“That’s why she won’t find out and no one will ever speak of this again if they know what good for ‘em.” I threaten.

“If you say so.” Shane smirked.

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