Chapter 6 Friends

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Chapter 6

“Hey Harper!”

“What up Tuesday? Who’s your friend?” She asked waving.

“Harper this is Katsumi. Katsumi this is Harper.”

“Hi, you can just call me Kat.” This time I didn’t bow. “Its nice to meet you.”

“Cool.” She took a seat on the ground. “Kat, I bet Tuesday here has been going on and on about everything and everyone around here.”

“Yeah.” I said sheepishly. Tuesday just laughed.

“You know its what I do best.” She laughed again. “Anyway I just getting started on the boys in our grade.”

“Ooh boys! Where should we start?” Harper said with a wicked grin. “How about Robbie Fletcher?”

“Oh my God, Harper! We kissed one time back in sixth grade. We are just friends, are you ever gonna let that go?”  Tuesday was nearly yelling at Harper and some people started to stare.


“Ugh! Just ignore her.” Tuesday said looking at me. Then she turns toward the crowd of students waiting in the courtyard before school started. “Lets start with Shane. He is my uncle’s son and I can’t stand him. Shane is over at my house so much its like his my older brother. He has dated just about every girl in our grade. Despite how dumb he looks he is actually pretty smart. He always gets straight A’s but he hates for girls to know that.” She rolled her eyes. “He claims it ruins his ‘cool guy’ image.”

“Speak of the devil.” Harper whispered.

As Shane walked over we all got to our feet. Shane was good-looking; he had soft pale blue eyes, scruffy short brown hair, and an adorable smile. It was easy to see why girls would fall for him.

  “Hey coz, Harper, and lovely friend of theirs.” He smiled at me. I blushed I couldn’t help it. I wasn’t used to being complimented.

“She has a name you know.” Tuesday snapped.

“Yeah, but I don’t know it. So I have to address her the best that I can.” He snapped back. “Besides I don’t think she minds.”

“My name is Katsumi Ichigawa. You can call me Kat.” I said quickly.

“Shane Benson.” He kissed me hand. “You’re new here right?”

“Yeah, this is going on my second week here.” I said trying to keep from blushing.

“Well if you ever want someone to show you around town, I would be more than happy to.”  Shane said with a smug look on his face.

I looked to Tuesday and Harper before I answered. “Sure.” The girls’ mouths dropped.

“Great. When do you want me to take you out?” He smirked.

The bell rang for us to go to our first class and I pick my book bag. I smiled at him and said. “ How bout in two months.”

“W-what?” He said not believing what he heard.

The three of us walked off to class laughing. Harper was in my first class so I took a seat by her. The teacher strolled in shortly after and wrote his name on the board.

“My name is Mr. Schwartz for those of you who can’t read.” He smirked. “Welcome to AP Biology …”

He went on about what was going to be needed us to pass the class and the trip to the zoo we were going to take later in the year.  My next class I had to go it alone but the one after that both Harper and Tuesday were there. I met another one of their friends, a girl named Jaimee Watson. She was the youngest person in our grade.

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