He Scares You [only 2 boys]

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Your eyes were aimed at the TV screen, holding the same dazed look as anybody else who'd been there for two hours.

You blinked, brain coming back into focus as your phone vibrated with a text. It took you a second, but you regained control of your hands enough to grasp the phone and unlock, seeing a text from louis.

"Won't be home tonight, babe. Crazy day here. Ttyl xox"

You rolled your eyes, looking around for the remote. You spotted it buried in the side of the sofa cushion, and your hand dove in to get it. You switched the TV off and sighed. This would be the third time this week that louis hadn't come home. There was no point replying to his text. He wouldn't notice. He wouldn't care- how could he, when he was never around, anyway? He was used to being away. You yawned, mouth opening wide, as you made your way out of the dark room. Your feet made little noise on the freezing wooden flooring, treading the familiar path up to your room. You shut windows as you went, glad it was a still night outside. There were no street lights outside your house- all you saw in the quick glances you took was your own reflection. You shivered slightly, grabbing an extra blanket from the cupboard on your way into your room. The entire house was freezing.

Making sure to shut the door behind you, you entered your own room, flicking on the light switch. Your eyes adjusted to the harsh bedroom lighting slowly, finding it hard after the dim lighting of the hall.

Your heart stopped.

There was a figure sitting on your bed, in the most relaxing position possible. You flattened yourself against the door, too terrified to even scream. Your hand reached automatically down to your pocket, ensuring that your phone was still there.

"Baby?" a raspy voice asked, turning to face you. Your terror flooded from your body, and you felt yourself slide down the door and crumple to a heap on the ground.

"Baby, are you okay?" louis said, hopping up from his seat. He jogged across the room, his arms pulling you into an embrace as you began to tremble, aftershocks of the fright going through you. You pushed your head into his chest and tried to breathe, massive sobs wracking your body.

"I'm so sorry," louis whispered, stroking your hair. "It was supposed to be funny. It was the boy's' idea, sweetie. I just went with it."

He held you for what mustn't been hours, waiting until your breathing calmed to kiss your forehead gently.

"Are you okay?" he asked again quietly, arms locking tighter around you.

You managed a small nod, looking up at him.

"I love you," he whispered, holding you close. "I know I haven't been around a lot this week. We're so busy recording this album... But, baby, I swear, you'll never spend another night alone."

You nodded, and he helped you stand, leading you to the bed. He laid you down gently, hopping in behind you and making sure you could feel his warm presence behind you. He slipped an arm around you and you smiled reluctantly, cuddling in closer.

He kissed the side of your head gently, murmuring words of love where his lips touched.

He held you until he was certain you'd fallen asleep, your heartbeat still and even against his own.

"I can feel your heart beating," he whispered. "God, I hope that's still mine. Your heart, I mean. I love you so much, angel... I hate the idea of you hurting. I'm so sorry. I want you to be with me forever. And, maybe one day, I'll have the guts to ask you. But, for now... I'm just gonna tell you I'll marry you one day. And I hope you'll agree to that. Though you can't hear me. You might, though. Wouldn't it be weird if you dreamed about marrying me? But weird in a good way..."

He continued to ramble for a while, and you slept soundly, comforted by the steady rumble of his voice. That night, you didn't dream about marrying him, but you dreamed about having him forever.

That was all either of you wanted... Even though he'd nearly shortened your forever through sheer fright.


You opened the door to your apartment. You had gotten home later than you wanted to, you hated to come home to a dark house. Although it wasn't dark, one of the living room lights was on. You found it odd, but figured you just forgot to turn it off before you left. Putting your bag down, you noticed it smelled like liam. Looking down, you noticed you weren't wearing anything of his. You walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water for yourself. You walked down the hallway towards your bedroom. As you walked down the hallway, you noticed the light of your room was on. You heartbeat started to get quicker, and you gripped your glass a bit tighter. Your phone was in your hand, 911 was dialed and you were ready to press the call button. As you entered the room, you saw a man standing with his back turned to you, a dark hoodie on. You screamed and dropped the water as well as your phone. The glass fell to the ground and broke into a ton of pieces as you saw the man turn around. You screamed again as you started to see his face. Then you realized, it wasn't a stranger, it was liam. "It's me. (Y/N), it's me. It's liam." he kept yelling at you. "Didn't you get my text?" he asked. You picked your phone up from the ground. There it was, liam's text that said "I'm home early! Can't wait to see you". You hugged him "I'm sorry liam, you just scared the crap out of me" you mumbled into his chest. "It's okay, I just think the neighbors probably called the cops" he laughed as he stroked your hair. You and liam bent down to start picking up the broken glass that was now scattered around the floor.

Hey, again. So.. I updated again today, because yea. 😜 Ran out of ideas for Harry and Niall😣. 

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