You catch him cheating

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It was a cold night. Rain poured from the clouds and had soaked you through. You knew that Niall was right this morning when he told you to take a coat, but when you got home you wouldn't admit it to him.

"Niall?" You called out, closing the door behind you and slipping your shoes off. "Babe I brought back KFC!" You called out again but got no reply and couldn't hear anything. You furrowed your eyebrows putting your bag and the bag of KFC down on the carpet by the stairs then made your way up them. Your clothes irritated you, sticking to your skin and making you cringe. You just wanted to get them off, dry yourself, and get into some comfy pyjamas. The door to your room was closed so you knew Niall had to have been home since you left this morning as you always leave doors in the house open and that's something Niall hates. You swung the door open and gasped at the sight of betrayal right in front of you.

"Babe!! Fuck!! No wait don't go!!" He jumped up off of the blonde that he was previously on top of and ran after you holding a pair of his boxers to his crotch.

"No! Leave me alone you cheating asshole!" You shouted at him and continued to make your way back to your bag, picking it up quickly and opening the front door.

"Please don't go!!! I'm sorry, she means nothing! Honestly, I love you! I'll never do it again I swear!" He pleaded and tried to take your wrist but you flinched away from his touch.

"That's what every man says when they cheat. You aren't sorry or you would have never done it. Don't call me." You stomped out back into the heavy rain, glad you didn't change into dry clothes for them just to get wet, but also regretting not taking a coat again.

Stop calling me!! Niall I don't want to speak to you!!" You groaned into your phone. It had been 2 days since you walked in on him cheating on you with a woman you'd never met before.

"But I want to speak to you, I need to speak to you!! Please baby just come home, I miss you and I can't do anything more than apologise and promise you I won't do it again...I love you." He said quietly and you heard him sniff. "Please!" He cried out and you knew he was really sorry but the trust you had in him had long gone. You still loved him more than anything, but did not trust him.

"Niall...I love you but I don't trust you!" You sighed wanting to give him a cuddle and tell him it's going to be okay, but at the same time you wanted to kick him in the nuts.

"I'll do anything, I don't want anyone apart from you." He sniffed again to try and stop himself from crying. You didn't reply for about 20 seconds and sat in silence thinking over all your options. " th-" you cut him off by hanging up on him. You got up from your mums sofa and grabbed your already packed bag, quickly walking out of the house and 15 minutes later you quietly sneaked into the door of yours and Niall's house. You tiptoed into the living room and was surprised to see a spotless room, just like you had left it the morning you went to work then came home to Niall sleeping with another woman. You'd thought Niall would have been in this room, watching TV and eating pizza but he wasn't.

"You came back!!" The voice came from behind you and then two arms came around your waist from behind and a face pressed against your cheek. You nodded in confirmation and turned around in his arms, pressing a long kiss to his lips.


You felt heartbroken. You could barely breathe as loud sobs left your mouth. You'd just seen your boyfriend of 3 years kissing a girl on your sofa, in your house. Now you knew that every time you sat down just to watch TV and relax you're going to think of Zayn fondling a stunning brunette. Every time you hear an Usher song it's going to remind you of Zayn betraying you as the song "Scream" played quietly in the background.

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