You Fight, Then Makeup

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Loud, angry voices echoed around your house as you and harry had your usual fight for the day. "Why are we even still doing this?" He screamed, throwing his hands in the air. "Because you won't listen to me! You never listen to me! You expect me to be there all the time for you whenever you need me, and I am. Whenever I ask you for anything or to listen to me you never do! It's not fair!" You walked away from him, going anywhere you could. "So you want me to listen to you but you just walk away from me! You always shut yourself away when anything bad goes wrong! How am I supposed to help you if you won't let me!" He argued, following you. You walked to your room, turning around to face harry "Fine, since we can't even communicate this whole relationship is obviously not working" you yelled, watching as harry's facial expression tinged slightly with pain before reverting back to anger. You went to find anything you could take with you, tears running down your face now. "Great! I can finally focus on what I want without you constantly complaining about how terrible I am!" he said, fake happiness emitting from his voice. Your blood began to boil, you knew he couldn't be serious but he was acting like such a jerk. You whipped around, "I hate you!" you screamed, using all of the power in your lungs. The tears were endless now, making your vision blurry. As you stared at harry, you noticed that he too had been crying. He backed up slowly, a small sob racking his body. "harry" you said quietly, noticing the silence that now filled the room. "Please, just don't" he said, walking away. You broke down, regretting everything you had said the past few days and especially those three words.

You sat on the bed, trying to process everything that had just happened. Why hadn't he told you to leave yet? You had been expecting it all week and now he had every reason to make you go. You are so dumb, you thought, you ruined everything. How could you say that to him? You didn't hate harry, you never could. You loved him. You loved everything about him, all of his perfections and imperfections. Your thoughts were interrupted by the click of the front door. He left. All of the tears that had seemed to stop once your thoughts started picked up again as your thoughts had faded with harry. You laid down on the messy unmade bed, the sun was dimming outside. Everything outside the window was unclear through the lens your tears created. There was no saying where harry went, he never usually left when you two fought. The two of you would always go to your separate rooms of the house and wait it out until you decided it was time to apologize. Everything would be okay, your hearts were still in connected distance of each other even if the strings were stretched. Now his was somewhere out there, closed in doors and ran over by cars. The strings frayed, if not already broken. Your thoughts grew distant as you eyelids became heavy and the world went silent.

A loud crash caused you to sit up, it was dark outside the window. "harry?" you called. The response was loud footsteps up the stairs and down the hall. You saw a figure stumble past the doorway before it returned moments later. harry walked in, his face tear stained and his eyes bloodshot. He held onto the bedside table as he removed his shoes before sitting on the bed, his back towards you. "What - Why are you still here?" he inquired, alcohol affecting his voice and thought process. "Well," you thought to yourself, "I don't know. I was waiting for you to come back". He inhaled through his clogged nose before laying to face you. "Do you really hate me?" He asked, his eyes searching your face and his hands reaching out hesitantly for the ends of your hair. "No, no, harry" you said, extending your hand to caress his face but he only flinched backwards, afraid you were going to strike him. You gently placed your hand on his cheek, "I don't hate you. I didn't mean that. I love you, and I'm sorry". He breathed out, almost as if it was a sigh of relief, his breath stale with alcohol. He rolled over and you instinctively wrapped your arms around him, his hands overlapping yours. He came back, everything will be okay. You promised yourself.

When you woke up the next morning you were engulfed in harry's strong arms. He was slightly snoring and you could feel his warm breath on your neck. Just thinking about last night brought tears to your eyes. You never meant to say that to harry, it just came out. You loved him more than anything and you never wanted him to leave. After how drunk harry was last night, you knew he'd have a raging hangover today. Slowly you tried to escape his his tight grip, he only stirred slightly. You walked downstairs and grabbed some advil and water. After running upstairs and setting it on the bedside table, you went back to the kitchen to begin making breakfast. When you were nearly finished you heard footsteps down the stairs. You put the plate of food down on the table and waited for harry to enter the room. He was still in his sweater from last night, and he rubbed his eye sleepily. "Harry.." you breathed quietly, "I'm so so sorry". Thinking about last night still hurt and you knew the tears were going to start flowing soon. "No, babe, it's okay. I've been so dumb lately. Please don't cry" he walked over to you. He placed his hands lightly on your face, using his thumbs to get rid of the tears now running down your face. You looked down at your feet slightly, but looked up when you felt Harry's hands slide back to your head. "Hey" he said quietly and pressed a kiss to your nose, "I love you". You looked into his eyes and he smiled at you, "I love you too" you smiled back, kissing him on the lips. "Everything is going to be okay, I promise" Harry whispered.

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