What he does Drunk

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He keeps drinking of course! When Niall is drunk, he grabs the nearest person to him and puts him arm around their shoulder claiming them as his friend and he'll continue to drink and drink until he is fully satisfied and his bladder is full.

"(Y/N)" He slurred and attached himself to you as you say next to each other on your sofa. "I loooooooove you!" He hiccuped and kisses your cheek sloppily leaving a bit of spit remaining on your skin.

"I love you too Niall" you giggled and tried to keep him steady on his feet and hoped he didn't slosh his beer on you.

"But I reaaaaaally-" He paused briefly to hiccup "love you!!" He quickly down the rest of his drink and passed the empty glass to you. "Can you get meeeee another pleaaaase?"

"Niall baby I think you've had enough." You knew he wouldn't listen but it was worth a try anyway. "Maybe you shouldn't have anymore tonight."

"One more! That's it, I'm thirirsty."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah!!" He kissed you but missed half of your lips and you rolled your eyes going over to the fridge and getting out another beer for him.


He chills out and talks to you, spilling all his secrets! When Zayn has had a few drinks, he likes to lay down on your shared bed with his hands behind his head and one leg over the other as he stares up at the ceiling.

"So then once I found out he like ate the frogs legs in France I was like naaah that's disgusting mate." He said in a slightly deeper voice from the alcohol. "But the song he was singing was siiiiiiick." He shook his head grinning lazily.

"Mhm." You grumbled sleepily just to let him know you were listening to his babbling nonsense.

"Did I-did I tell you about the time that-that Niall nearly swallowed a fly?" He asked, stuttering slightly in his drunken daze and leaned his head to the side to glance at you.

"Yeah about 6 times, Zayn go to sleep. Please!" You begged cuddling into your pillow.

"Nah babe, maybe later." He said in his heavy accent. You groaned and tried to block him out as he tried to tell you the story of the aeroplane going in a loop.


He turns into a 5 year old who's just eaten a bag of sugar. Whenever Louis gets drunk within the comforts of your own home he's hyperactive and likes to listen to music loudly whilst dancing around like a lunatic with a beer bottle in his hand.

"(Y/N)!! Come daaance with meeee!!" He sang totally out of time and not even in the tune of the song loudly blasting through the speakers in your living room.

"Why would I dance with you?! I'll show you up!" You laughed and stood up with your 1st beer bottle of the night in your own hand sipping from it and you weren't even tipsy yet. Louis on the other hand was totally pissed and on his 5th bottle of beer.

"Oh a wise guy ey?" He stumbled to you and started dancing a 10 year old at a school disco dancing to the party rock anthem.

"Yeah! You and I both know I'm better!!" You giggled just winding him up and swayed your hips in time to the beat.

"Lies!" He put his bottle down and picked you up like you weighed as much as a hamster and span you both around.

"LOUIS NO!!!" You screamed terrified of him falling on his arse which he did but luckily for you, you landed on him. He on the other hand landed straight on the floor but in his drunk state he didn't even flinch, however you knew he'd be complaining about having a big bruise on his thigh and not knowing where it came from the next morning.


He likes to take off his clothes and interact with fans. When Liam has had a drink or two late at night, he'll take off his shirt and look at himself in the mirror for a minute or so, using the alcohol as a new found confidence and then he'll take off his jeans and lounge on the sofa next to you in just his boxers. He'll then take out his laptop and phone and maybe post a recent selfie or landscape pic with a confusing caption, leaving the fans to interpret what they want out of the message or picture.

"Don't trust people who have half an eyebrow...Liam what the hell is that supposed to mean?! Why did you just tweet that?!" You asked with your eyebrows knitted together in confusion as you read out the weird tweet he had tweeted about 40 seconds prior to you opening twitter.

"Just giving the fans some wise advice." He shrugged and looked up different hashtags to keep himself occupied until he falls asleep.

You giggled and looked at him "Please get drunk and write an erotic novel. That's all I ask of you Liam."


Harry is definitely a random drunk. He'll do and say random stuff when he's drunk. Whether it be singing dancing queen by abba or tweeting about pineapples or just laying on the floor face down and falling asleep.

"Harry no."

"Pleeeeease (Y/N) I reaaaaally really want to!"

"But why?!"

"Because Wii sports is fun!"

"Not at 1am!!"

"Especially at 1am! Come on!" Harry jumped out of bed and pulled you up with him. You'd both been out to a club together that night and Harry got completely drunk whilst you stuck to coke and orange juice all night. You'd hoped the 20 minutes of sleep Harry had gotten would of sobered him up a tad but no, it didn't even phase him. He was still drunk and needed entertainment like a puppy would. So wii sports it was. Luckily for you he fell asleep halfway through golf.

Sorry ik I lied.. lol. Happy Holidays! 

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