Liam Birthday Surprise [Part2]

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Once the elevator hit the lobby floor, you both walked out. You and harry sat on the couch in the lobby and just sat their, him still holding you. Then Liam came down from the stairs.

"Can we talk" you heard him say.

You hid your face on Harry's chest hoping he would just go away "Y/N" he said. You felt your heart breaking even more as he said you name.

The voice that once gave you goosebumps. The same voice that made you fall for him in the first place.

"You're okay" whispered Harry before he kisses your temple and stood up walking away.

"Baby" whispered Liam. You turned and glared at him

"Don't you dare call me that " you said as you stood up glared up at him "How dare you call me that. After what you did" you added poking his chest with your finger making him walk back a bit "How could you do that to me. I gave my everything to you Liam. I put so many things on hold to be with you. I sacrificed so many things to make you happy. I gave so much for this relationship" you added crying as you stared up at him

"I didn't mean to. It was an accident" he said

"Oh an accident" you said sarcastically "How crazy of me to over react. It was just an accident. You fucking tripped and landed on her bed naked" you yelled not caring who heard "Was I just joke? Was I just that stupid girl you thought you could play with?!" you asked as you looked up into his eyes "Did any of this mean anything to you" you cried as you motioned between the two of you "Did the last two years mean anything at all" you asked and watched as he bit his lip.

"You cab is here ma'am" you heard the lady say from the desk.

"Well" you asked looking up at him. He just stared down at you not saying anything "When I get in that cab Liam I'm not coming back" you added and watched as he closed his eyes tears rolling down his cheeks "Tell me, do you want me here with you" you asked. He closed his eyes and ran his finger through his hair not saying anything. You shook your head as you grabbed your bag and walked out to the cab. You walked past the girls who yelled your name wanting a picture with you. You sat in the cab and stared at the door watching as he stared down at the ground. You leaned back in the seat as the cab started moving, you closed your eyes as tears rolled down your cheeks.

2 months later

You were walking down the busy street with your favourite sad song playing. There was just something about Liam that made him unforgettable, other than the fact he was constantly on your television screen. People barged into you but you didn't mind because at least they apologised after, even if you did ignore the apology. You weren't happy, you never were. Not since he cheated and left without an explanation. Getting drunk didn't help and sleeping all the time didn't help either, you lost your job and your roommate was starting to get annoyed by you constantly moping around and eating everything in the cupboards and the fridge. You felt like you were the only one that's felt this way, even when your friend tried to explain how inconsolable she was when her first boyfriend broke up with her, you told her it was different because you got cheated on they just broke up but she ignored you and finished the story. Thinking about him made you smile, and it shouldn't because he broke your heart, thinking about him was the icing on the cake but it made you realise the fact that he's gone for good.

You heard girlish screams ahead and that's when you knew. He and the boys were in town at a local radio station, the local radio station you just happened to walk past on your way to pick up your friend from work. You saw his brunet hair, and his cheeky smile and you wanted to throw up, you imagined seeing him again but in your mind you were over him and you were looking great. But in actual fact you stood with no makeup on, hair in the messiest ponytail known to man, and the scruffiest clothes you owned on. You had books tight in your grasp and you were standing like a lemon as people walked past you complaining about you just randomly stopping in the middle of a public walkway. You knew you either had to go round or push through all the fangirls, but the fangirls knew who you were and would take no mercy on you because you weren't Liam's girlfriend anymore and he wouldn't stick up for you. You kept your head down as you followed a smart looking businessman through all the fangirls, you thought you were safe till someone said your name and suddenly all the girls became like the seagulls in Finding Nemo. You pushed through them all as they tried to talk to you, you didn't want the boys or God forbid Liam to see you and want to talk.

"Y/N?" You heard the familiar british accents say as you neared the end of all the girls, you kept walking and tightened your grip on the books. You heard footsteps but you thought they were just more business men, you knew it wasn't when you didn't hear him moaning about the amount of people,

"Y/N please, wait up," Liam said, you huffed and ignored him, he grabbed your arm and turned you around,

"God you look terrible," He said,

"Thanks, hi to you too,"

"Sorry, I didn't mean that,"

"People don't say things they don't mean," You snapped fixing the books in your arms,

"Still carrying those books?"

"You say it like it's a bad thing,"

"It's kind of weird if I'm honest," He said rubbing the back of his neck,

"If you're going to be a dick I'm walking away, just like you did!"

"Y/N-," He began,

"No! You didn't even have the decency to tell me why, I would be okay by now if I knew why but you didn't and I'm not!"

"The distance,"

"You should have ended it!"

"Oh, over text? That's cold,"

"SO'S CHEATING YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" You screamed causing everyone to look at you and Liam,

"Come here," He said pulling you over to the corner, you yanked your arm back,

"Leave me alone, all I wanted was answers and I never got them. All those texts I sent and the missed calls and the voicemails they weren't me trying to beg you to come back they were me looking for answers so I could move on!"

"I couldn't talk to my old girlfriend, my new one wouldn't like it,"

"Oh well I'm glad you took your new girlfriend's feelings into consideration since you never did with me,"

"Yeah and that was a mistake alright! Is that what you want to hear?"

"No it isn't, in fact I don't want to hear anything from you again. From now on you're just a face on a TV screen or a voice in the radio,"

"You don't mean that,"

"I mean everything I say! Everything!" You snapped as you stormed away from him,

"I love you, y/n! Always have and always will!"

"You should have thought of that before you cheated," You said, his expression fell and your stomach felt empty. You didn't want to leave him, after all those months of crying and wishing he was there, but you had to because he hurt you and you wanted to show him that you weren't just something he could pick up and drop.

Made part 2 to this because my friend Lupe Kept begging for it 😅

So here it is! Bye I'll update sooner Promise.

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