Chapter 1 - Jealousy

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Another typical day at Luna's special 'greenhouse.' She was going to take a day off to visit Destiny and Xreato. She had made drawings and souvenirs. I wonder how they're doing, sighed Luna. My people are really bored. I'll fix it later.

Luna finished feeding her animals, give shelter and planting plants. She went back to her house and ate the cookies she baked. She's currently in Russia. The army has practicing, birds were singing... What could possibly go wrong? She turned on her phone and messaged Destiny. I'll see you in Saturday morning. How are you doing? Luna waited for a reply. Okay. I'm good, my people r enjoying themselves. A feast is going on right now. Wanna join? It lasts for a month, Destiny replied. Luna frowned. She was in no mood to party.

Soz, I'm busy, but I'll stay for a while. You're in Canada, right? K, I'll see you there! :) Luna got her bag of drawings and souvenirs then turned into an eagle. She swooped out of the sky and landed in Canada right before sunrise of Saturday went up. She pinpointed the exact location of where the party was held. Destiny was already waiting for her. "HEY! LUNA! OVER HERE!" Destiny screamed, waving her arms rapidly. Luna sat on her head.

"Long time no see, D!" Luna smiled. She handed the drawings and souvenirs to Destiny. Destiny handed her items. Luna looked at them. "That's a lot of things you got for me," gasped Luna.

"These are from Xreato. We invented this machine to help us generate items quicker and faster than mail. Cool right?" Destiny explained. "Oh yeah, remember that time when I called you to come over to Australia? You said you were busy, so um, you missed out on this big project." Luna was about to point out something when the party animals came and screamed.


"Gee, I'm just doing what I can," Destiny said. They crowd all around her. Luna was left out. People in her land did not have this much joy and laughter. But... why? She tried everything she could. Was it... was it because she has small lands? That must be it, Luna thought. What about Xreato? Antarctica was cold and no one would live there, but no one complained and they still had fun.

Destiny's land was most popular. That's it. She would have to steal land. Probably no from Destiny's area because, people would notice. She would steal a bit of Antarctica. "D?" shouted Luna. The people were to loud. "D?! DESTINY?!?!?!?" Destiny and the people looked at Luna. "I have to go visit Xreato now. Bye!" Destiny tried to stopped her.

"You said you were going to stay for a while!" Destiny called. Too late. Luna had already taken off to Antarctica. "Shea's acting very suspicious..."

Meanwhile, Xreato was making her finishing touches for Luna's present, an ice crystal, but not just any ice crystal. This crystal glowed in the dark, changed colour every second, its shape has perfect like an ice crystal and you could make any ice item with it. "Luna's gonna love this!" Xreato exclaimed, staring at her creation. She walked, no actually, flew, around Antarctica, wondering where Luna might land.

Three days later, Luna arrived in Antarctica in her Beluga whale form. She transformed into a penguin and started walking carefully. Luna's nature powers made a small crack around the part she wants. "AGH!" screamed Luna. "WHY IS IT SO SMALL?! AND IT'S SO COLD HERE!" Luna sneezed.

"What is a penguin doing here without its flock?" said a voice. Luna turned around. XREATO!!! RUN!!! Xreato used her telepathy powers to see what the penguin wants to say. "Luna?" Xreato walked towards her. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE TRANSFORMED INTO A PENGUIN AND YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME YOU WERE COMING TODAY! I WAITED FOR THREE DAYS LOOKING FOR YOU IN ANTARCTICA AND WHY DO YOU WANT LAND?" screamed Xreato, shaking Luna.

"M-my l-land is so s-small so c-can I b-borrow s-some of your l-land?" Luna stammered.

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