New found....... love?

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Anna's POV

Oh god. Those two are fucking disgusting. I was used to it though. I would usually walk inside their rooms while they're doing it. It doesn't bother me anymore. I waited so long here. Don't tell me that I'm going to walk in them again? I would kill the living shit out of them both. I lost my thoughts when I heard Kevs said, "Hey, you ready?" Well that was a stupid question to ask.. Then I said, "Well, that's stupid question to ask, considering I've been ready for an hour now." I laughed then frowned at her. "Oy, You left me on that shed earlier. We're even now." Kevs said laughing at me. It was true. I never came on that shed in the first place. I laughed faintly. "Alright. fair enough. Now cmon! I need a drink." I said and they ran down stairs.


At the bar.

Where did Kevs find this bar? It's totally amazing. All the jams and songs I like are played here. "Hey, where'd you find this bar?" I yelled at her. If we talked in our normal volume. We'd never hear each other. We had a couple of drinks now. I know Kevs, she's easily drunk. 2 shots of tequila. And she's gone wild. "In yer mum" Kevs told me and we laughed. I loved how she says that and loved it more coz of her accent.

Since Kevs and Ben are particularly drunk. They're eating each other's faces again. I decided to go wander around the bar. I've met loads of people. Danced a little bit when my favorite song came on. I was feeling a little dizzy and decided to sit on the bar stool. I told the bartender to give me a Sex On The Beach. That was my all time favorite drink. I was shocked and my dizziness went away when a man beside me told the bartender to make it two, and he'll pay for it. "Oh no, it's not necessary. I have....." I said but he cut me off.. "Oh no........" He stopped and gave a look that says 'what's your name'. So i said, "Trish" I smiled a bit then looked away. "Okay, No. Trish. I Insist on paying for your drink." He told me. The smell of alcohol in his breath. I didn't mind it. "So, do you mind telling me your problem?" He randomly told me to tell him my problems. I dont even know him. although, I could stick around to get to know him more. I took a long look at him. I widened my eye when I appreciated this guy's beautiful features. His fair skin that glows just like his eyes. His lips perfectly red. His long hair that's covered with a beanie. It looked good on him. I liked it. I lost my thoughts when he said, "Oh, how rude of me. My name's Kellin. Kellin Quinn." Wow. His voice suits his perfection. Something makes me think that he's a gorgeous singer. Kellin Quinn. What a perfect name for a perfect guy. I noticed he's been staring at me the whole time. I felt my cheeks warm up and turn red. I quickly looked down and covered my face with my hair. I had short hair. So it was difficult to hide. By this time, I'm regretting why I even cut my hair short.

"Dont hide your face. I love looking at it. You're beautiful." He said. Taking my hand off my hair and tucking my hair behind my ear. I backed away and returned my hair to it's place. "You're saying that just to get to me tonight. I'm sorry to disappoint you. But you wont be taking me home tonight." I said rudely. Turning my back at him. I felt guilty. But I wont be getting anything tonight. I wont let anybody use me this time. I've learned my lesson. "Who said I'd take you home? I wont do that. I may look like this but I never do that. I came here because my girlfriend and I broke. Well, my now ex-girlfriend. yeah, that's more appropriate." He said with a small chuckle. I managed to let out a half smile at him. But I quickly looked away. I didn't say anything for a few minutes. But I could still feel his eyes on my face. Like it was glued on it. It was awkward. I wanted to leave but I cant. I dont wanna be rude.

"I feel sadness in your eyes. Do you wanna talk about it somewhere?" He gave me a concern look that almost made me tear up a little. I could see the sympathy in his eyes. So I nodded slowly as he leads me somewhere quiet. I seem to trust this guy so easily. What's with him that I feel so comfortable with his hands on mine. Usually, I'd consider this perversion but... I felt safe with him.

"So, here's a comfy spot for us to sit. Huh?" He said cheerfully. Letting out a cute grin on me that I chuckled loudly. I quickly covered my mouth with my hands in embarrassment. I sat on the grass a few steps from the bar we're in. I guess Kevs and Ben are still eating each others faces. Gross. "So... would you tell me what's wrong? If it's okay. If you dont want to. It's cool." He said, concerned. I noticed he was still standing. So I quickly turned my head to look at the empty seat beside me and he quickly sat down.

Love's Blindness(SWS,PTV,OM&M,BMTH,ATL,Danny Worsnop)Where stories live. Discover now