Chapter 17. An old friend returns.

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Morgan was standing there looking at me as I was holding my gun. "It's not what it seems like.", I told him. " Why'd you do it Ryan?", Morgan asked me. I put the gun in my belt. "This man Morgan.. He..", I hesitated. " He killed this woman's husband. She told me to do it."
Morgan stared at me for a moment, then nodded. "But you do realize you made a mistake, right?", Morgan said. " What do you mean?", I asked in confusion. "You know they hear the shot.", Morgan said.

That echoed in my mind. " You know they hear the shot. You know they hear the shot." Then it hit me. The biters hear noise and react to it. How could I forget?"When I found a mysterious map leading me to this place, I thought it's were you would go, because it's safe, right?", Morgan asked. " Right. I just want to keep my family safe Morgan.", I replied.

"How did you get here anyway?", I asked him. " I walked. It took 6 days to reach this place." "YOU WALKED?!?!? How did you survive?", I asked him. " Simple Ryan. I scavenged, and I slept in buildings at the night. Just kept finding food and water. It took a while, but I finally found this safe zone called "Alexandria."", Morgan looked around the safe zone and then back to me. "You knew about this place all this time, before you found the map I mean?", I asked Morgan. "Well, no, not exactly.", Morgan replied. " I just found this map and followed it till it brought me here.", Morgan told me. "Right.", I said to Morgan. " Ok everyone, I'll be going on a supply run tomorrow. We need more food and water here. Wish me luck.", I told everyone. The Alexandria's nodded.

I awoke the next day and got ready for the supply run. I put a knife in a knife holster I had in the side of my pants, and put my magnum in my gun holster. I grabbed an assault rifle from the armory and loaded it up with a 30 round magazine. I walked out on the street and opened the gate, closed it behind me, and went off on my supply run journey.

I was walking down the street when I came across a super market. I went inside quickly and quietly, looking around the shelves. I found tons of canned goods and bottled water. I quickly filled up my backpack with them and then decided to look in the supermarket pharmacy. I jumped over the shelf and went in the back of the room. I started filling up my backpack with antibiotics, painkillers, bandages, antiseptic, and more medical supplies. After a few hours, the market was empty.

I started walking back with my full backpack, and my assault rifle in my hands. There was a biter roaming around and it saw me. "Been a long time since I've seen one of those.", I thought. I raised my gun and aimed at its head. I pulled the trigger. Bang! Bang! It fell on the ground dead. I heard more growling. I raised my rifle again, and saw two more biters. Wait a minute, now four, now eight, oh my god.... There's an entire hoard!!!! Thousands and thousands of biters came around the street. "Oh FUCK!", I thought. I started to run away from the herd. More and more joined by the second. They covered the road behind me.

I eventually saw Alexandria in the distance. I ran faster, getting closer. Dianna was perched on the front, looking outwards. " Open the gate!", I yelled. I started to run even faster and faster. My rifle was clanking against my body. I was almost to the entrance of the gate. Everything was in slow motion. "OPEN THE GATE NOW!!!!", I yelled at the top of my lungs. Dianna watched in horror. A survivor ran up to the gate and opened it. A biter grabbed me and I shook it off and ran inside the gate. Morgan rushed up to me with his staff and shoved the biters back. An Alexandrian closed the gate behind me.

We all watched with shock and horror as the biters piled up agaisnt the gate, with their snapping jaws.
" Things are starting to look pretty grim...", I said.

To be continued....

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