Save The Virgin N Foundation

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Attention: We interrupt this random program to bring you the following message.

Do you know how many Ns lose their virginity each day?

Over ten thousand lose their virginity every hour!

There are only a few of the Virgin Ns left in the world, due to over-methods of HarmoniaShipping and hunting by the Peverted Fangirls species. The species is soon to be extinct.

Come and donate to the Save The Virgin N Foundation.

For each dollar, we save ten Ns from losing their virginity.

Help and keep the reputation of the Socially Awkward, Virgin, Math Geek who can talk to Pokémon we know and love!

So, donate, so we can end HarmoniaShipping and the poaching together!

Mah Book of Random Crud (old af)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя