Tris pov
I run into the garden in the backyard and cry my eyes out. When i'm done i'm still sobbing I call Christina.
Christina: Hello?, Tris what's wrong
Tris: Hey can you come to my house as fast as you can bring make up and a new dress and shoes I can borrow please I'll tell you when you get here im in the garden k?
Tris: Thx (hangs up)
Christina pov
Tris calls me and tells me to bring a new dress and shoes and some make up for her to borrow. I almost cry hearing Tris' voice on the phone. I grab the group (Me,Marlene,Lynn,and Shauna, Will, plus Peter). We drive as fast as we can and get Tris. Good thing I have a key. I yell "TRIS!!!". She says "i'm in the garden". We girls tell Peter and Will to stay in the living room and they do. We get to Tris and see her in a ripped dress ripped everywhere and she's crying. We indulge her in a hug and get her up stairs to her room. She gets in the shower and I tell her to close her eyes and we dress her in a long flowy dress that matches Fours eye color and sparkly glass slippers and do her make up. She looks beautiful.
Tris pov
Christina comes 5 mins after I call her. And yells my name "TRIS!!!" I'm glad I gave her a key. Christina tells me to get in the shower. When I get out its 7:30pm the ball starts at 8pm. The girls tell me to close my eyes and they dress me up in something and do my make up with my eyes closed. finally I get to open my eyes and I look beautiful for once and not in a maid's outfit.
Time laps__________to the ball Tris pov
We get in the carriage and off to the ball. "I'm nervous Christina what if he doesn't want to dance with me or knows who I am?"I ask her. "Tris you need to calm down that dress will disappear at midnight and you will go back to your normal self ok?"she says. "What did you use on me and why will it disappear at midnight?"I ask. "because I used magic make up and that's a magic dress and those are magic shoes."she says. The carriage stops in front of of the palace. We all get out and go inside. Everyone stops and looks at us and I look down and start blushing hard I don't like this much attention and see Prince Four and look at him and walk to the ball room. And then the music starts playing and I dance with unknown men until I get paired up with Prince Four. He smiles at me and I smile back at him. I see Jeanine and Lauren,Molly and look away. We leave the ball room and dance our way into a humongous garden outside the palace. We sit and talk a while then the clock strikes 12 midnight.