Tris pov
I look at Jeanine standing in front of me."well get the girls and I ready for the Prince that's coming over."she says "yes stepmother"I say. And get Lauren and Molly ready. Once I'm done we go down stairs and Jeanine says she has something for me to do in my room and leads me to my room. I walk in and the door slams shut behind me. I wiggle the door nob and its locked NO. She locked me in my own room. I bang hard on the door and scream "LET ME OUT ,LET ME OUT,LET ME OUT PLEASE,PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME.""This is what you get for going to that ball Beatrice." old,ugly stepmother says. I am sobbing right now but I give up and listen to what's going on down there.Time lap______to when Prince Four is going to Tris' house Fours pov
We just came from 10 houses and the last one I went in alone and the woman tried to attack me and keep me their house. I pull up to this house this time I'm bringing Zeke and Uriah with me. I knock and a very old but young woman opens the door."Ah you must be Prince Four am I right?"she says and bows. "Yes ma'am" I say. "Your highness please come in." she says. "Thank you." I just want to get this over with and find the girl. She walks with me to I guess the living room and she shows me two young but ugly girls. "This is Lauren and Molly my only daughters and 2 eligible women in this house." she says. And I begin right away with the slipper situation. I first go to Lauren and she curtsy and winks at me. I chuckle softly and mumble "Not a chance." But let me tell you this her foot is HUGE and when I mean HUGE I mean HUGE. She almost breaks the glass slipper dang I wonder if all girl's feet are like this. I move on to the next girl Molly and her foot is 5 times bigger than Lauren's foot. How are girls feet this huge. Hers obviously doesn't fit either and I'm glad he cause they both keep winking and blowing kissing to me ugh. "Madam Im afraid that Your daughters--. A loud and muffled banging interrupts my sentence and I look up. "Ma'am are you sure their is no one or another eligible woman is in this house?" I ask. "Nope that is just the board on the roof blowing from the wind." she says. I hear a female voice say "PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE PLEASE LET ME OUT OF HEAR!!!!!!." And she sobs. I make my way to the stairs and go start to go up the towards the banging door. "Please don't pay attention to her she's not worth it." The old lady says. "Zeke,Uriah get up here and bring the guards." I say. And they do and I run up to the top when the girl still screams for help. "Ms please stand back I'm going to kick open the door." I say. "Ok" she says. And I think she moved back and I tell the guard to break the door open. Then they break the door and I go inside it dusty and wood is all over the floor I look to see a girl on the floor sobbing but I can't see her face her hair is in the way. I run to her and help her stand up and she stops crying. I take her down the stairs into the living room. "Please your highness don't pay attention to her she's a worthless piece of nothing. "She is something she's a human being she's a girl and she isn't worthless." I spit like venom at her. She shuts up. good. Zeke and Uriah get a chair and I place her in it. "Ma'am are you alright?" I ask still can't see her face. She nods. "May I see your foot please?" I ask and she nods again and lifts her foot. In about to slip the slipper on her foot just then the old woman kicks it and it shatters on to the floor. "NOOOOOOO YOU IDIOT YOUR SO STUPID YOU ARE ACTUALLY THE WORTHLESS ONE HERE YOU OLD UGLY COLD HEARTED IDIOT YOUR A WORTHLESS IDIOT."(sorry can't cuss my dad is on here so I tried). As I'm about to knock The daylights out this Idiotic woman the girl taps my shoulder and brings something out of the pocket of her apron. She says "I'm the one you danced with at the ball because I have the other slipper." And she sits back down and hands me the other glass slipper I grab her foot gently and the guards hold the old woman and her daughters still as I slip the slipper on the girls foot. IT FITS. "IT FITS!!!" I say excitedly. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" the old witch woman said. "Oh shut up." I say and turn back to the girl. "Can I please see who you are?" I ask she nods and moves her hair from her face and looks up at me. I can't believe it it's.............................................
To be continued...