“Pass the baton, pass the baton; work the baton around the room.”
“What exactly are we doing?” I asked.
“Where is your guitar, kiddo?” said Kate.
“What guitar?” I said.
“You didn’t bring the guitar?” Reed said.
“Umm… no.”
“Well then we have to get one!” said Reed. “The competition will start in any minute now!”
Suddenly, right in front of me, there are two guitars. One of them pretty much scared the life out of me. It was so evil-looking I can’t even describe it to you. The other one, however, was the coolest, most awesome guitar I had ever seen in my entire life. So naturally, I reached out for it, and was met with a loud strum from the evil-looking guitar.
That was weird. I thought, and then proceeded to grab the other guitar, but I couldn’t, because it vanished right before my eyes.
Then I looked down and noticed that I was standing at the top of a staircase, and at the bottom was the “Goth-guitar”, which I was now convinced was possessed.
“Pick me,” it beckoned, “I am the better, more powerful guitar!”
“More like the scarier, creepier guitar,” I muttered.
“Pick me, or you won’t have a guitar at all!”
Why do I even need a guitar? I thought.
“You have to battle it!” Reed said.
So I bounded down the stairs and right up to the possessed guitar.
“So you want to duel, eh?” it said with a gleam in its…strings?
“Umm yeah, sure,” I said, not really sure why I was here in the first place.
Suddenly the only thing I could see was the possessed guitar flying in front of me, surrounded by a background of bright colors, and it appeared to be playing itself. When it was finished, suddenly I was surrounded by that same background, and now music was coming from me. I suppose I was playing an air guitar of some sort, although I didn’t fully understand why.
Whatever I was doing, it worked. Suddenly the music stopped and the possessed guitar disappeared, replaced by the, um, not possessed guitar. So I grabbed it, and turned bake to Reed and Kate.
“What do I do with it?” I said.
“How should we know?” they replied.
Some questions must remain unanswered…

Dream On - The Dreams of a Crazy Teenager
HumorIt all started with a crazy teenage girl. Everyone knew she was crazy, and they loved her for it. No one, however, realized just how crazy she was until she started posting updates about her dreams. In her own little dream world, her brain was wi...