Amusement Parks, Military Camp, and Gangbanger Alley

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“Everybody duck!” yelled some unknown voice in the middle of a large arena.

How did I get here?  I thought, but my thoughts were quickly interrupted when I noticed a giant tire flying towards my face.  I ducked just in time as the tire soared over my head and past the hundreds of other people watching what appeared to be some sort of amusement park show. 

Then I noticed that I wasn’t one of those people standing in the arena, I was one of the fifty-something people hanging onto a board that was suspended from the ceiling, and that board happened to be swinging back and forth, narrowly missing the heads of some of the bystanders below.

“What’s going on?”  I said to my mom, who was lying beside me, clutching the edge of the board.

“I don’t know, let’s ditch this place!” she said, and then proceeded to jump off of the board towards the crowd below.

Before I could say anything, my surroundings suddenly changed.  Now I was standing barefoot on a walkway beside a shallow pool.  I looked up to see my dad and my brother walking towards a giant water slide, then my mom coming up beside me, looking depressed. 

Just as I was about to ask what was wrong, I was once again zapped to a new, unfamiliar place.  Now I was in the middle of a parking lot, watching my brother pick up a man’s sports car and rip it in thirds.

“What are you doing?” I yelled.

“Fulfilling my destiny,” he said soberly.

I stood there in shock while two army generals grabbed his arms and carried him through a door into some sort of meeting room.  I followed them, and as I walked into the room, the door shut behind me. 

Inside the room, I saw my parents, along with my brother and a spiffy-looking business man.

“Welcome,” he said smugly.  “We were just discussing the plans to send your brother to military camp.”

Suddenly I was filled with fear.  Military camp?  What if they sent me there too?  I turned around quickly and tried to run out the door, but it suddenly locked.  I looked over to see the business man smiling evilly at me.

“Leaving so soon?” he said.

I turned back toward the door and managed to unlock it, but I was met with several electric shocks, along with the distant laugh of the business man behind me.

Despite the pain, I kept pushing my way through the door, and once I was out I ran for my life around the building and into a dark ally.  At first I felt relieved that I had escaped the man and his trap, but then the relief was replaced with fear as I realized where I was, good ‘ole Gangbanger Ally.  Anyone who entered this ally who wasn’t part of one of their gangs was killed.  Just the fact that I was a girl would tell them that I wasn’t in a gang, and then I would meet my doom.

“Who are you?” a short but muscular boy said.

“What’s it to ya?” I said in the best guy voice I could possibly do.  It was dark, I figured, so maybe the boy wouldn’t notice that I was a girl.

“Who are you?” he said again.

“Just another member of his gang,” I said, and pointed to another man further down the ally.”

“Oh, you part of Joe’s gang, eh?” the boy said.

“Yup,” I replied, and continued to walk quickly down to the other end of the ally.  If I could only make it to the beauty supply store down the street, then I would be safe, or so I hoped.

“Hey Joe!” the boy said, “What’s one o’ yours doin’ on my territory?”

“What are you talking about Sax?” Joe replied, and I began to walk quicker.

“This fella here says he’s one of yours!”

“Oh really?” said Joe, and began walking towards me, along with several other men.

Oh dang it.  I thought.

“Hey sonny, what’s your name?  Didn’t I tell all you boys to be stayin’ on our side?

My cover’s totally blown.  I thought, and proceeded to run as fast as I could towards the beauty supply store.  Then a ray of light hit me just right, and all the guys noticed that I was a girl.

“Hey!  That’s not one of mine!  She’s a girl, Sax!  What’s wrong with you?”

“I didn’t know, man!  Just get her!” Sax said, and suddenly about 20 men were running after me.

They were just about to catch me when I reached the beauty supply store, where I was met with several vampires.

“Fly!!!” one of them said, and suddenly I was zapped into a giant hammock hanging from the ceiling of the shop.

“You gotta be careful now,” said a vampire sitting next to me.  “We wouldn’t want one of our own to get hurt.”

Since when am I a vampire?  I thought, but I was really beyond caring by then, because I was safe.  Now there was the issue of getting my brother out of military camp……..

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