Proms, Second Grade Reunions, and Crazy Teenage Boys

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“Jump over the river, OVER the river, not into the river, OVER the river, and OVER the little boy’s head.”

Despite the fact that I had no clue who was talking to me, I jumped, over the river, and over the little boy’s head.  Too bad I was wearing a prom dress, got it snagged on a piece of the broken bridge, and dived face-first into the mud, otherwise it would have been quite graceful.

Looking at my surroundings, I think I was camping, either that or starring in some weird, mixed-up version of Alice and Wonderland.  Either way, I was confused.  As I stood there wiping mud off my face, some little girl skipped across the forest, turned her head towards me, and winked.  All I could do was stand in shock.

Suddenly my whole world flashed.  Now I was standing in my old school’s hallway.  Right next to me was the door of my second grade classroom.  So I decided to drop by for a visit.

I walked through the door and was met with the cheers of about 25 second graders.  It was like they had expected me or something, but did I smile at them and wave like a cheesy roll model?  No, instead I completely ignored them and walked to the back of the room, where a note was hanging on a bulletin board.  It was addressed to me, and it read,

I will never forget the time you fell down the stairs and everyone laughed at you.

I have not the slightest idea why, but this made me cry like I have never cried before.

Next thing I know, the whole classroom turned into a night club of some sort, like a prom or something.  Now I was standing in the middle of the room explaining to my friend Juliet about the time when I went to Tennessee and met a boy who had a huge crush on me. 

As I was telling this story, I notice another familiar face.  It was Cole.  I will not be telling you why the fact that Cole exists in my dream world is significant, because it is completely irrelevant to this particular moment in my "dream life".  He walked right up to me, got inches from my face, and said, “How does it feel to know that some guy has a crush on you?  Huh?  HOW DOES IT FEEL!!!?”

All I could do was stand there in shock before this story my brain was creating came to an abrupt stop.

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