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"New York?... How long of a drive is that" Debi asked lighting a cigarette. "About a two day drive"I sighed. "Two days.. how did you get here on your own?" She asked. "In between the rides I stayed at motels" I said turning on my navigation system. "Uh-oh Alex just texted me" she said unlocking her phone. "Well what did he say?"I asked I could tell she was scared. "He's gonna kill me I quote I fucking hate your slut ass Wherever you are I'm gonna find you and make you wish you never met me"she said crying and putting out her cigarette. "He's not gonna find us" I said pulling over to the side of the road. "Yes he will he can track me from my phone" she said crying more. "Well there's only one option...we need to trash your phone" I said holding my hand out. She handed it over and I stepped out the car and wrecked it. That was totally unnecessary. "There he won't find us now"I said getting back in the car. "We're gonna be just fine Debi, I promise we're only 10 minutes away from the next motel" I said wiping her tears and hugging her. "Thank you so much" she said biting her lip holding in tears. "Don't worry about it" I said turning to her and giving her a smile. The car ride to the motel was mostly quiet. Then we finally got there. "Hi I'd like to check out a room for two" I said to the lady behind the desk. "How long will you to be staying?" She asked. "Overnight" I said handing her a 50. "Enjoy your stay room 204" the lady handed me the room key. "Thank you"I replied with a fake smile. Debi and I were both tired so as soon as we got to the room we both crashed on the beds. This was one crazy ass day. I come to this random town met Debi hang out with her then her abusive boyfriend beats her up I drive us away to some motel in the city I have no clue where the hell we are but we had been driving for 5 hours so it might be a 3 day trip.

Next day

"Hey Mel..what time is it?"Debi asked me half asleep. "9:45 why?"I asked while getting out of bed. "Today's my birthday guess how old I am" she said sitting up. "Um..12?"I asked jokingly. "Wrong 13"she said sarcastically. "How old are you really?" I crossed my arms with a smirk. "I'm 19" she said jump out of bed and doing a little dance. "Well happy birthday, wanna go get breakfast somewhere nice" I offered. "Nah lets go to ihop"she said. "Sure"I said. Less money for me to spend jk jk. "Alright let's go"I said grabbing my bag. We didn't change our clothes from yesterday because we never brought our bags in last night.
"Wait I gotta fix my hair"she said holding a bobi pin in her mouth. "Ok"I said walking back to the room and leaned on the door frame. "Ok lets go" she said grabbing her purse. "Your sure you wouldn't rather go somewhere a little nicer for your birthday?" I offered. "No no it's fine ihop is fancy enough for me" she insisted. "Alright"I said laughing a little. She just looked back and smirked while rolling her eyes.

IHOP for Debi's 19th b-day

"Hi I'm Leo I'll be your waiter today can I start you ladies off with some drinks?"the waiter asked while scratching the back of his neck."Um I'll have a coffee"I said while observing his cold blue eyes. "And I'll have the same" Debi said holding in a small laugh."Ok I'll be back with your drinks". He said starring at me with a toothy smile then walked away. "He totally just starred you down" Debi snickered. "Oh stop he was just being nice"I said smiling into my menu. "He was pretty cute though"I said smirking. "I bet you before we leave he's gonna ask for your number" Debi said being so sure of her self. "Yeah right"I said rolling my eyes. "How much you wanna bet?" Debi started
"20,30,40?". "Your gonna own me 40 bucks" I said amused. "Here he  comes" Debi whispered. "Here are your drinks" he said putting our drinks on the table. "Thank you"I said as he put our drinks down. "Are you guys ready to order?" He asked. "Um yes please I'll have the banana crepe with Nutella" I said looking at the menu. "Oh that's my favorite" he said. "Really I never had it"I said lightly giggling at his excitement. "Trust me your gonna love it"he said smiling big. "And what will you have?" He asked Debi. "I'll have the New York cheese cake pancakes" she said. "Yum that sounds good I haven't had that yet" he said taking our orders down. "All right ladies is that all?" He said looking at me again. "No that will be all thank you" Debi said. "Ok I'll be back"he said walking off. "He did it again" Debi laughed. "What?" I asked. "He always stares at you for a while with that cute little smile thingy he does" she  squealed. "I know right" I said squealing too. "Look he's looking at you again talking to someone" Debi motioned with her head. "Shit is he really?"I turned around. I feel like I'm in the 10th grade again freaking out about boys with my friends at lunch. "I'm going to go to bathroom" Debi said starting to get up. "No don't leave me alone what if he comes over here?" I asked a little freaked out. "Its fine if he does, he does I'm pretty sure he's not supposed to socialize with customers anyways"she said walking away. As Debi was walking she went over to him and probably asked where the bathroom was then he pointed to the bathroom. Then he headed towards me with a dish cart and cleaning stuff looking miserable. I just took a sip of my coffee casually like I didn't see him. I just kinda glanced up once and a while so did he. While he was looking at me I was on my phone acting like I didn't notice. Debi is sure taking a long time
He finally looked up and said something. "Oh hey" is all he said. Oh hey? Really? "Hey what are you doing cleaning I thought you were my waiter"I said successfully making him do the cute smile thingy. "Yeah I got in trouble for socializing with the customers"he said wiping down the table. "Hmh so you got in trouble..come sit"I offered. "Your gonna get me in trouble, but ok" he said sitting down. "So what's your name?" He asked. "I'm Melanie but people call me Mel" I said I said resting my head on my hand. "That's cute"he said doing that damn smile again probably making me blush like crazy. "So what's your story?"I asked. "Well my name is Leonardo but people call me Leo" he said jokingly imitating me making us both laugh. "Um I live here in Conway, Missouri by myself..well not yet I'm moving out of my moms house because she kicked me out and I really have no place to go so that's why I work here" he said looking kinda stressed out. "Oh sorry to hear that"I said. "Sorry it just feels good to get my feelings out" he said shaking his head in embarrassment. "It's alright"I said. "What about you?"he asked. "Well that's a long story"

Woah this is a long chapter sorry that it took me so long to update. By the way where the hell is Debi? But anyways can we talk about how cute Leo is in "Marvin's room". But like always thanks for reading ✌️😊

               ...I really need to come up with something else to say

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