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"Guess what's coming up soon?"Leo asked me. "What"I asked. "Your birthday duh"he said putting his arms around me. "Oh yeah"I said remembering. Is it actually bad that I forgot it was my birthday this month? Yeah. "So what do you want to do?" I asked. "I wanna just stay like this for couple minutes k"he said resting his head on my shoulder. "Ok"is all I said while lightly placing a kiss on his cheek. We just talked about random things, like the time when we first met, to the way sunset looks, to nicknames. Literally random things. Then once the sun went down we went back inside. We just watched tv and kinda just waited till Debi and Scott came back. Then finally they showed up looking exhausted. "You girls hungry?"Leo asked. "Yeah I'm starving"Debi said. "What about you?"Leo said playing with my hair. "Yeah" I said smiling at him. "Want me to start up the grill?" Scott asked. "Yeah get some plates too"he answered. "How ya doing" Debi asked me. "I'm good thanks, what about you?" I asked looking to Scott. "Good, we should do something tomorrow"she said. "Yeah sure"I said. Well this is awkward it's like we never met before. I haven't been talking to Debi a lot. Then my phone buzzed I look down to see a text from Debi "we need to talk meet me in my room" it read. I look back up and she's gone. I look to Leo and Scott who are on the deck drinking beers and making burgers. "Debi it's me"I say opening her door. "Close the door please"she said from her bed. "What is it?" I asked. "I... I think I'm pregnant" she said sniffling. "OH MY GOD DEBI"I gasped. "I haven't told Scott, so promise you won't tell him or Leo" she said sniffling more. "I promise, are you sure you are?"I asked. "I don't know I took two test one came out positive and one negative"she said crying. "Debi I promise it's going to be ok alright"I told her. "What if Scott doesn't want it?" She asked crying. "Oh Debi I'm sure he'll support you no matter what he loves you so much"I said wiping her tears. "I made a appointment with the doctor to get a ultrasound"she said. "Ok that's good, when is it?"I asked. "Tomorrow"she said. "Tomorrow? Debi how long did you know?"I asked confused. "A while"she said. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"I asked kinda angrily. "You were in the hospital" she answered. "Still..ugh never mind, you gotta tell Scott tonight"I said. "I know it's just I wanna tell him after though to be sure"she said. "WHAT? Debi are you crazy you what if you aren't pregnant what are you gonna tell him then?" I said getting angry. "I won't tell him anything"she said getting up. "Debi what are you gonna say, oh hey I thought I was pregnant so I just went to go check without you?"I asked. Now she was sounding straight up stupid. "That's exactly what I tell him" I she said nervous. "Debi no you're not just going to tell him tomorrow ok, you're telling him tonight at dinner"I said. "Or what?" She asked crossing her arms. "I'll tell him myself"I said crossing my arms. "You would make things worse by doing that"she said. "Well tell him before I do"I said walking out of the room. I don't know what's gotten in to her, she acting nuts. "Hey what's going on?"Leo asked looking down the hall. "Oh nothing"I said trying not to make this more than it has to be. "Is Debi ok?"he asked. "Yeah she fine, why?"I asked wondering if he overheard us. "I heard you two yelling"he said looking worried. "Don't worry about it were fine"I said taking his hands in mine making him forget about it. "The burgers are all done"he said taking a bite out of one. "Ok lemme go to the bathroom"I said getting up. "Wait try this real quick"he said feeding me his burger. "Mmh that's good it tastes different, what'd you put in it?"I asked with a mouth full of food. "It's a veggie burger stuffed with sweet onions and cheese"he said taking another bite. "Yum, can you make a plate for me?"I asked before going to the bathroom. "Hey Mel?"I herd Debi from her room. "Yes"I answered. So much for going to the bathroom. "I think I'm ready"she said coming out the room. "Ok, good"I said. "Guys I have to tell you something"Debi said walking on to the deck. "What is?"Leo and Scott asked at the same time. "I'm pregnant"she said looking down at her feet then back at Scott. "Really?"Scott started "Holy shit I'm a dad"he said excitedly. "That's right" Debi said happily. Then Scott got up and kissed her and hugged her. "Congrats guys"Leo said hugging the both of them. We all hugged in celebration. I'm glad that Scott and Debi are happy. But are they ready to raise a child?  

Long time no see. Hey reader, Debi's pregnant! Hmm would have never suspected it😂. Well like always thanks for reading my 💩✌️😊

  Ps. Sorry for any errors or if something doesn't make sense

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