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Dani woke up that morning at the usual 6:40 A.M.

Her mother was the source of the disturbance, "Get up ya' piece of shit, you're gonna be late!" She shrieked.

Dani withheld the groan that threatened to escape as she sat up on the couch she slept on. She wasn't worth having a room of her own.

She swung her feet over to the side and onto the floor. She then pushed herself up, finding her balance. She grabbed clothes from under the couch going to the bathroom.

Dani observed herself in the mirror, the newly formed bruises on her arms and abdomen.

She sighed as she ran her hand along the finger-shaped bruises on her wrists.

Dani looked at her shining ashen wings. They were ruffled and feathers were out of place due to the couch she slept on.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the aching pain as she pulled the wings back into her body.

It hurt to do so and hurt even more to leave them in. They gave her a hunchback of sorts; she was made fun of because of it often.

She slipped off the shorts she wore for bed and slipped on a pair of skinny jeans. She pulled her Thor shirt over her head, careful not to touch the large bump on her back. She pulled on her best looking jacket that had black shirt-like sleeves.

She brushed through her hair, put on deodorant, and quickly brushed her teeth.

She slipped on her socks before hanging her school lanyard that had many keychains of various topics attached to it.

She was a fangirl, so what, that's all she had to look forward to were her fandoms.

Her father banged on the door yelling, "Hurry up and leave God damnit!"

Dani quickly left the bathroom, she didn't bother to grab a piece of food, she'd probably take some of her cousin's lunch later.

She slipped on her sneakers and ran outside to the bus stop, right as the bus came around the corner.

As soon as she crawled on the bus, she tucked her arms even more tightly against her, even under her jacket and skin she was very wary of people knowing about her deformity.

She tried to make her way towards the back where she usually sat, but of course, Mike had other ideas.

Mike was one of Dani's bullies at school, but honestly who didn't bully her? To everyone, she was just another deformed freak.

Mike stuck his foot out right as Dani tried to pass.

She tripped and hit her arm on a metal piece on the seat.

Everyone started laughing; of course, they found it hilarious.

Dani picked herself off the ground, cradling her now injured arm to her chest as she proceeded to walk to her seat.

The rest of the ride to school was quiet in her opinion, but everyone was talking and yelling at each other about this weekend.
When they finally got to school, she waited until everyone got off.

The bus driver knew she did this, so he patiently waited for everyone to get inside, "They're all inside now Dani, you can go now."

Dani stood up and walked to the front of the bus giving a shy, "Thank you, Jeff," as she did every day.

She walked through the halls just as the bell rang, signaling to everyone to get to class.

Dani walked hurriedly over to her locker, quickly doing the combination before she snatched her backpack out of the small compartment.

Her friend, Jacob, waited outside her class as usual. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a plain gray t-shirt with a light blue Apollo jacket.

As they walked into their English class, they sat in their assigned seats, which for them was in the back of the class.

Jacob looked over and whispered, "Dani, You alright?"

Dani opened her mouth to answer, but the English teacher, Mr. Blakely, chose that moment to walk in, wearing his usual suit and tie.

He observed the class for a moment, "Get your bellringer done and then proceed to page forty-three on 'Fahrenheit 451'. No talking,"

She closed her mouth in favor of doing her work.
It was maybe half an hour later when a loud bang echoed through the halls, everyone jumped.

Mr. Blakely opened his mouth to say something, but the door burst open.

A gunshot rang through the air and he fell to the floor.

Everyone started screaming and panicking.

A few more shots rang through, the air killing and wounding a few students.

Jacob gave a cry of pain as Dani looked over to see him. He was on the floor lying motionless, blood pooling on his jacket.

Tears welled in Dani's eyes. He had been practically the only friend she's ever had that wasn't related to her.

Dani looked at the gunman, whose eyes flickered pitch black before returning to a somewhat normal brown.

He had a pair of jeans, combat boots, and a black collared shirt with a dark gray jacket.

He locked eyes on Dani and raised his gun. She froze for a moment unsure of what to do.

All the students who were still alive had already cleared out.

She moved entirely on instinct and lunged at the gunman who fired a shot, wounding her shoulder.

As she gave a cry of pain, she collided with the man and both of them fell to the floor.

He shot again hitting her thigh.

She tried to take the gun from him, but he fired another shot landing in her chest, missing any major organs and arteries by mere millimeters.

She felt her body being pushed off the man and onto the floor.

She went limp with pain and blood loss and soon fell unconscious.

Dani Willow (Supernatural Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now