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It had been two months since the Ghost-facers had accepted Dani on their team.

In that short amount of time, they'd all become close friends. They'd accepted her for who she was despite her past.

Currently, Dani and Maggie were watching the boys load all of the equipment in the van for a case in Selma, Alabama.

Dani spent most of her time in human form, it was easier to hide herself.

After about an hour, Harry said, "Okay Facers, let's hit the road,".

Maggie opened the back of the van for Dani, after everyone was loaded in the van they hit the road.
After hours of Ed's horrible singing, they finally arrived at a house at the edge of town.

Maggie and Dani watched as the boys started unloading the van and setting everything up.

Dani shifted and paced, watching the boys unload, "You know girls, you could help too ya know," Harry said.

Dani snorted and Maggie replied, "But if we did, how would you get some muscle? And plus I'm keeping Dani company, it's not easy being pregnant you know."

Ed snorted and said something inaudible to Dani's ears, but she growled and stood up, picking up the heaviest bag in her jaws and walking to the house with ease.

Maggie laughed, "She helped happy now?"

Dani trotted around the property, investigating everything to make sure no demons or anything was around.

There was a distant call of her name. Satisfied that nothing was here, she ran back to the house.

It was getting dark. Spruce was handing out the cameras, "Okay Facers, tonight we investigate the Harajuku House. Twenty-five years ago, Stefani Harajuku was murdered by her brother in this very house," Harry announced.

Dani rolled her eyes as his voice changed for the camera, he continued, "It is said that she haunts the house still, seeking revenge, killing anyone who steps inside," as he finished, they traveled inside and set up the crows nest in the living room.

Dani shifted into human form changing some clothes in a bathroom she found. She walked out and was handed a headset by Ed, "Everything's set up tell us if you see anything,"

Dani nodded in acknowledgment, she sat in a chair looking at the screens.

Dani announced, "Cameras one, two, three, six and eight are set to go, fix cameras four, five, and seven."

There was a mixture of fines, alright's, and okie dokies on the other ends.
Finally about thirty minutes later, all of the cameras were up and recording.

While the team was doing their thing, Dani looked at the screens eating some pudding.

Two of the screens went staticky, "Cameras two and five receiving some static," she said through the headset.

There were a couple 'okay's and 'okie dokies' s on the other ends.

At nightfall, the team was at the base. Dani still refused to do their weird "Ghostfacer" handshake thing.
After three and a half hours of nothing, Maggie said, "Oh my god, what is that smell?"

Dani pressed the mic against her lips, "Describe the scent? Decay?" She asked, voice teasing.

A cheery British voice behind her announced, "Maybe a touch of sulfur love,".

Dani whipped around to see a demon wearing a dark suit.

Suddenly she heard her companions screams through the mic, echoing through the house.

"If you or any of your 'pets' hurt a hair on their heads I will end you," she demanded.

The demon chuckled and said, "I'll let them go unharmed and free. For a price of course."

"Name it, but I'm not giving you my soul," she growled out.

He rolled his eyes, "Name's Crowley, I don't want your soul, I want you," he motioned towards Dani, "to come with me," he motioned to himself, "without any complications."

"I want to see my companions first. Unless you want the Winchesters on your tail?" She demanded, raising an eyebrow.

Crowley snapped his fingers and two demons appeared with one of her friends in each hand.

They were dropped to the floor and Dani quickly approached Harry and whispered, "They're demons, don't pull any crap right now just listen. I'm going with them for your safety, don't look for me. At all. Don't try to fight them. I don't suspect I'll be back, so I suppose this is goodbye for now."

She touched Harry's face, doing the same to the others as they hugged her.

Dani turned towards Crowley.

He rolled his eyes again and said, "Taking your time love? I've got better things to do," he snapped his fingers again and the scenery changed, darkness enveloped Dani's vision.

Dani Willow (Supernatural Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now