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After about a month and a half of staying with the Winchesters, Kevin, and occasionally Castiel, Dani had learned about various types of monsters and how to kill them.

She learned about the trials to closing the gates, she read a few books about the Men of Letters while she was at it.

Dani was now healed and back to tip-top shape too.

That night, after Dani had taken a shower and she'd gone to sleep.

The only difference with night, was that she woke up in a dark alleyway.

Dani sat up confused, she looked around and saw a dark figure at the end of the alleyway, approaching her.

Dani scrambled to her feet and backed away from the figure.

She reached for a back pocket feeling for the pocket knife Dean gave her, but it was gone.

Dani turned around, there was another man right in front of her.

All she felt was a sharp pain in the back of her head before everything went black.
Dani woke up with her arms chained above her head.

Her eyes shot open as she tried to look around, but there was a blindfold over her eyes.

She struggled against the chains her wrists, started to go raw.

She heard a door squeak open behind her.

It slammed closed, causing her to struggle against the chains more.

A pair of footsteps walked towards her and stopped in front of her.

A hand gripped her arms to prevent from struggling against him (she guessed it was a him from the strength and feel of the hands).

A low chuckle sounded from him as he hooked a finger under her blindfold, pulling it off to reveal a tan man wearing green basketball shorts and a black sleeveless shirt.

He had gray eyes and black hair, he stared at Dani, giving an evil looking smile revealing dull white teeth.

Dani pressed herself back as much as she could and asked,"What are you?"

He gave a chuckle and said, "Ya' know, sleeping in an alley wasn't the wisest decision on your part sweetheart. Especially with your looks."

Dani gave him a confused look and he rolled his eyes, he tugged at her shorts causing her to pull her knees to her chest.

"Leave me alone!" She cried out, praying to Cas hoping he would save her. He had warded her about a week ago, so she wasn't sure if he'd find her.

The man forcefully pushed her legs down and said, "Well let's get started hm?"
Dean jumped and yelled, "Son of a bitch!" as Cas flew in the middle of the bunker, scaring everyone.

Sam dragged his hand down his face and said, "Hey Cas, whatcha need?"

Cas looked at Sam and demanded, "Where is Dani?"

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