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I followed Sif into a dark tavern. She pulled the hood off her head, and looked around.
Once my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting of the place, I saw three woman sitting at the bar, and men seated all over the place.
"Sif, where are we?" I whisper-shouted, not wanting to catch anyone's attention.
The woman only laughed and sat down at the bar, luckily far away from the other women.
Sitting down next to her, I did what I knew best. I ordered some drinks.
"So, how do you feel about going back?" She questioned, taking a sip of the dirk liquid that swirled around in her cup. Sif had suggested that I order us both something that had a completely foreign name that I struggled to pronounce. In all honesty, it looked revolting. But, like a shot, I threw it back, and it was gone in an instant.
Sif laughed, "you mortals have a funny way of doing things."
I frowned. She knew that I wasn't mortal anymore.
Suddenly, two figures burst through the tavern doors, letting light into the dark room.
"Avallone?" They both yelled. I stood to greet them, but Sif pulled me back down again.
"Stay with me," she growled, her face turning fierce.
This wasn't the Sif that I knew, and I needed to get away from her. Either it was the affects of the alcohol, or this person before me wasn't Sif at all, and considering that immortals can hold their alcohol extremely well . . .
I backed away, my hands protecting me from the condemning look I was receiving from 'Sif'.
"Come back here," she shouted, lunging at me.
I shrieked and turned my body, to shield the blunt of the blow with my side, but nothing ever hit me. Instead, I heard a loud yell, and then sort of a poof.
Turning back around, I saw Thor standing there, looking like he had just hit something with Mjolnir, but with nothing in sight.
"Where did she go?" I questioned, looking from Thor to the empty seat that 'Sif' had been sitting on.
"I don't know, but we should leave this place," he answered, pulling me gently out of the dark place (he paid for the drinks of course, like the gentleman he was).
"Avallone, I'm so glad that you are all right!" Loki cried, embracing me in a hug. "I became worried when you disappeared without a word, and the groundskeeper said that you went off with Sif, even though she was standing right there with us."
"B - but, that wasnt Sif!" I exclaimed, assuming that they had not yet figured it out.
Loki was about to answer when his brother cut in, "We know, and we will try our best to find out who it really was, but for now, you two must get back to the palace and prepare for Lady Avallone's departure."
Both nodding, we quickly mounted a horse and made our way back to the glistening palace.


Giving the beautiful, golden architecture of Asgard one final look, I sighed.
I was standing on the Rainbow bridge while the Bifrost was warming up. Well, not warming up exactly, it was just easier to understand it that way.
"I will come and visit you as soon as possible," Loki said, appearing by my side.
I exhaled, watching my breath float through the icy air. It was nighttime, and it was also extremely cold. I was wrapped in many Asgardian cloaks to keep myself warm. I must have looked like an Eskimo with what I was wearing.
"You better," I joked, shoving his arm lightly. Loki chuckled, and wrapped his own arm around my waist, or what was left of it. It was more fabric now.
"Oh, I will," he whispered, warm breath tickling my air. I shivered and clung to him.
"It is ready," Heimdall declared.
Loki and I stopped hugging, and walked towards the Bifrost, hand in hand.
"I'm going to miss you," I mumbled into Loki's shoulder. His chest rose with a chuckle, and he enveloped me in a hug once again before releasing me.
"And I, you," was the reply, the last thing I heard before I stepped through the Bifrost and was transported back to my world.


I woke up with a start, in a nice warm bed in a cosy room. It took about half a minute for it to dawn on me that this was my room. My room, yes, the one I had before the new girl, whose name I forget, took it.
Sighing happily, I pulled the covers around my chest and closes my eyes once again.
My door opened and closed quietly, but I did not move, hoping that whoever entered would believe me asleep.
"Good morning," a heavily accented voice greeted, springing my eyes open.
It was her.
"You came home last night, but no one noticed, so I took you in here. Natasha said that it was your old room."
I nodded and sat up. Her name popped into my mind, Wanda.
"It's Wanda, right?"
She nodded. "And you are Avallone. Natasha does not stop talking about you. Sometimes I think she likes you more than she likes herself."
I cringed. Natasha wasn't overly fond of herself. It would have been better to say that it seemed that she liked me more than she liked Bruce.
"Shall I tell the others you are here?" Wanda asked, turning to leave, but I called out for her to stop.
"No no, that won't be necessary. I've always had a habit of surprising them randomly." I said.
Wanda smiled and nodded.
"Oh, and Wanda, I'm sorry for how I acted when I first met you," I found myself apologizing, "I guess that I was just so jealous that you were taking my best friend, my room, and everything. I'm sorry, it wasn't right to be mad at you, you didn't do anything wrong."
Wanda sat down on one of my couches. "It is all right. I guess it was wrong for me to accept all the things of yours when they were offered to me. I did feel very bad when I found it that I was using your room, and that Natasha was neglecting you, and I am sorry that I did not do anything about it. I hope you'll forgive me."
I nodded my forgiveness, and we hugged each other shortly.
"I guess I should get dressed," I said I playing with my dress.
Wanda smiled and agreed. "I'll leave you to dress." She pointed to my closest, "I moved everything back. I hope you don't mind."
"T - thank you," was all I could say.
She left without a word, and I happily glided into my wardrobe, ready to face the new day.

[3] Just A Mortal Girl | Avallone the Avenger [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now