Eyes like a Sniper

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There is a Cover contest going on, message me covers and i'll pick my favorite, also each chapter will be dedicated to the person who made me smile most in the comments, this chapter is dedicated to @ConiferousCedar15 because they were the first to comment "Yesss!!!" when i asked if i should write this story, let the fun begin!

Ring ring ring.

Elliot grumbled words in Korean and grew the towel he was using to the side and grabbed his Nokia Icon and rose a brow at it unfamiliar number.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Is this Elliot?" A soft and heartbroken voice came from the other end.

"Yeah? Who is this?" Elliot held the phone between his cheek and shoulder while he pulled briefs over his naked body.

"My name is Randy Sterling, Carson said that you may be able to help me"

"Carson huh? You must be Harrison's brother" Elliot took the phone back into his hand, "he told me you might call"

"What he'd tell you?" Randy seemed interested and Elliot smiled cheekily.

"Just that you might need my help"

"Do you do this for a living?"

"I was in the army myself and when i came back i got my masters in psychology and have been helping people who've lost lovers in the service for years"

"So you're a therapist"

"No" Elliot frowned, "I'm not, i'm not here to judge you or analyze your words, i know what you're going through, i've felt the same emotions, i'm a friend"

"It was 6 years ago and i still can't move on, i must be really messed up"

"My lover died 11 years ago" Elliott said, "i haven't been in another's arms since then"

"You devoted yourself to this"

"It's what i can do"

"so exactly how old are you?" Randy asked and Elliot sat on his bed.

"32, you?"

"I'm 26"

"Young" Eliot observed while closing his eyes and falling back on his queen sized bed, "how long did you know--"

"Eli" Randy interrupted and Elliot smiled.

"How long were you and Eli together before he left?"

"He left after we graduated highschool and we started dating in 8th grade, ummm, am i allowed to ask about your lover?"

"Yes, you can ask about Jose" Elliot said.

"How long were you two together?"

"wow, um, we met in kindergarden and reconnected in highschool, we started dating in 10th grade and he dies when he was 23 so about 9 years"

"How did you stop crying?"

It was a question that shocked Elliot, most people weren't that open the first conversation, but he could tell Randy was different, from what Elliot knows of Harrison he's a polite country boy, so Randy is probably used to being honest and upfront.

"To tell you the truth, i still cry some nights, sometimes i can't get him out of my mind i sit in the darkness or at the bottom of my shower and just remeber me, the only thing i can tell you is try to find someone that reminds you of him, a brother maybe or just remeber the good times"

"You remind me of him" Randy whispered.

"Then anytime you miss him text or call me, i am always avaliable, Randy you can talk to me"

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