Walk of Holding the World on His Back

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Dedicated to AnaRivers because it has been two months since i updated this and their comment made em smile, also i should be working on this more since i have more inspiration since my partner has decided to go into the Navy when we graduate. 

Elliot stood quietly outside the airport. His black hair was neatly cut and he was clad in his uniform. His left foot tapped in a random pattern. His hands were in his pockets and his right hand held tightly onto his cell, the other was tucked deep in the black fabric of his uniform pants, his thumb was circling the silver band on his ring finger, a simple thing that to anyone else would just be a man admiring his wedding band. But to Elliot it was much much more, it was an unfilled promise and he wanted to take it off but he found himself unable as long as Jose was still stuck in his heart like a bad splinter.

His phone buzzed and he whipped it out of his pocket. The cold black case calmed his heating nerves and he took a deep breath. He was waiting for Randy, sweet, lovely, Randy, his newest client. But not really. Elliot saw so much of Jose I Randy it was slightly worrying. But Elliot was determined to help Randy through this difficult time.

I'm here, Teddy

Elliot smiled at the nickname Randy had given him and looked around eagerly. Hi eyes met a rusted sky blue pickup truck and his heart stopped. Why? Why was he so nervous? Why did he feel as he was going to faint? What was going on? The driver's door opened and a man in a pale blue dress shirt and black slacks stepped out. Randy had gelled his fluffy brown hair back and shaved his face so only a light 5 o'clock shadow complemented his face.

He looked around and caught sight of Elliot, he smiled brightly and stared walking across the parking lot to Elliot. The soldier straightened up and grabbed his suit case in one hand. Randy crossed the side walk to meet Elliot on the side walk and he looked at the taller man.

"Hi" Randy breathed out.

"Hey" Elliot smiled and Randy pulled something out from behind his back, a bouquet of daisies.

"Randy? These are so pretty" Elliot took them and reached forwards to hug his friend.

"I got 'um in the mornin'" Randy said, "can I take yr' things?"

"Oh" Elliot shook his head, dislodging some of is combed back hair and it fell over his forehead, "no, I'm fine, I carried 40 pounds of things' round the dessert, I'm sure I can handle a ten pound bag"

"Okay, off to the farm then" Randy spun his keys on his fingers and lead the way back to the truck, "how was the flight, I know sometimes the flights can be rocky"

"Any flight where I'm not getting shot at is a lovely one" Elliot snickered, a joke to him but it made Randy's smile fall and he walked straight faced.

Elliot watched his new companion walk steadily. Randy had a very cowboy walk, his hips were bow legged and he walked with his hands in his pockets and the thumb looped around the belt loops. His shoulders were broad but slightly hunched over and is head tipped towards the ground.

"Hey, I know that what I said, about being shot at, it was wrong, I'm sorry, I know how hearing about war can hurt the loved one of a solider fallen, I couldn't even look my buddies in the eyes after Jose went down"

"The people in my town, when they go off to war, no one has ever come home in one piece, and I've had no one to talk to about Eli, it's okay. Just, I want this visit to be about you and me, not Eli and Jose"

Elliot reached out and grabbed Randy's wrist and pulled his hand form his pocket, Elliot cupped Randy's hand and stopped the man from walking, "I'm sorry" He looked at Randy and smiled, "I'm really excited you invited me here Randy, I'm excited to be here, with you"

"I'm happy yr' here too ya' know, I can't wait to get you outta those fancy duds and into some real clothes" Randy turned around to face Elliot and Elliot's breathing shallowed as Randy stood closer. Randy reached up and ran his fingers through Elliot's hair and cracked and parted the gel, He brought the strands forwards and gave Elliot a more natural and roughed up look. Randy unbuttoned Elliot's uniform jacket and the first three buttons of his under shirt, "You're nowhere near the army now Sargent, be free for once"

They stood there looking at each other for a while, Randy's hand drifting through Elliot's hair and Randy observing the scars that painted Elliot's chest, "we" Randy whispered, out of breath and blushing red, "should get going, it's a four hour drive from here to my ome' town"

Elliot nodded and had to resist the urge to pulled Randy back closer to him and keep looing into the pale green eyes reflecting in his own black eyes. The two men clambered into the old truck. Randy had tossed Elliot's bag in the bed of the truck. Randy started the engine and the two of them were off.

"So I know your older brother is back in Oregon with Carson, who else is at your house?" Elliot asked.

"My maw and pa are there, as well as my twin brother Blake and my little sis Elizabeth"

"Wow, you have a big family"

"You don't?" Randy asked.

"It was just me and my mom, my father died from bone cancer when I was twelve, I have an older sister but she's not too fond of me"

"I couldn't imagine anyone not bein fond of you Teddy, you're a ray of sunshine on a rainy day" Randy sent a small smile Elliot's way and focused on the road.

"She was 15 when I was born, to her I was the brat that took her parents away from her"

"You're not a brat Elliot" Randy reached over and took Elliot's hand, "not to me"

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