My Life With Damon Salvatore (vampire diaries fan fiction)

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chapter 1


i was running through a forest and i was being chased by something i tripped and blacked out i oped my eyes and ......

*end of Dream*

i woke up with a shock wanting to know what the boy in my dreams looked like but i knew i had to get up i was moving in with my cousin Caroline Forbes and i was so scared she lived all the way in mystic falls and i lived in England it was so far away and i knew i was catching my plane in an hour.

I walked over to my wardrobe and picked out my leopard print top, teal blue skinny jeans and my black converse and to top it off i put on my neon yellow braces and made them hang by my side.Once i had finished packing i put it in my car boot and set off to the air port after saying my final good-bye's to my mum.

*on the plane*

i got on the plane and sat down i found a seat that was double and nobody else was sat there.After a while a man who was tall and pale and was amazingly handsome. "can i sit down here?" he questioned. "yeah i guess" i answered trying not to blush.

A/N-Heyy guys this is my first real story and i am going to complete this book and it might take me a while because i dont have a lot of spare i hope you liked the first chapter

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