Beach party

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Marley's pov

We are all in the car heading to the beach, i have to sit on harry's lap and britt has to sit on louis' lap because we cant use a limo it may attract fans or paps so we used my lamborghini.

"I hope theres not much people at the beach so we wont be mobbed by fans" britt whispered to me.

"Its gonna be fine dont worry" i whispered back. As we got there, there was hardly anyone there which was good. We started to run towards the water, and the boys began taking their shirts off. This is gonna be just a little awkward, i thought to myself. We stopped running and chose a spot to put our stuff. By now all the guys were shirtless. I took my shirt and short off, and put them on the pile with the guy's shirts.

"Let's goooooo!!" Louis said anxiously. I saw zayn grab one of the towels and spread it out to lie down on as the others went to go swimming or whatever it was they were doing. I hesistated, then grabbed one of the towels and sat by zayn.

"Why dont you go join them?" He asked

I shrugged "why dont you?" I asked in return.

"Beacause i cant swim" he answered

"Haha really?! Zayn malik cant swim?" I asked. "I could try to teach you how if you wanted.

"I thought you cant swim either." He asked

"Are you kidding me? I was a junior lifeguard and i just lied to harry just so i could cuddle with him in the water i said laughing. "Nahh im good" he answered

I looked at the lads in the water. Of course they were acting completely insane. They were splashing and pushing each other over and stuff like that. I laughed when i saw harry's abs i think harry and liam has the nicest abs. I couldnt keep my eyes of harry hes such a goddess!

After 20 mins talking with zayn, i looked up and saw a dripping wet louis coming our way. He stopped right infront of me and said "cmon haley lets go swim!" When i shook my head no, he reached down and picked me up bridal style. "Boobear put me down!" I said in between giggles. He walked in to the water, and i soon felt the cold water hitting my legs.

"Louis no!!! Please!!! I screamed

He laughed "in 3.....2..." I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. "1...!" He threw me.

I felt myself go under the surface of the water, and i opened my eyes as i swam up towards the surface again. I felt my head breakthrough and i put my feet down. The water wasnt very deep here. It came to about my chest. I turned around and found myself face to face with someone. Well actually i had to look up to see their face. I felt butterflies in my stomach as i looked at those amazing green eyes... It was harry. The others are a little farther down the beach. Harry looked down at me and smiled.

"Well hello there" he said.

I blushed noticing that we were almost touching, and he was shirtless.

"Hey babe" i said and smiled back.

Harry's pov

I was just swimming around randomly, when i decided i needed to go up for air. I swam towards the surface. When my head was out of the water, i was shocked to look up and see haley literally standing infront of me. I was going to say something but she turned around, so then we a little more closer. Which i didnt mind...

"Well hello there." I said and smiled at her.

"Hey" she said. Is it just me or shes blushing again and checking me out? I slowly reached out and put my arm around her waist, and pulled her closer to me, so our bodies are touching. She wrapped her arms around my neck and looked down. I wanted to kiss her so bad. I placed my finger on her chin and lifted her head up, she leaned closer until our lips are like an inch away. She suddenly pulled away off my grasp and swam fast towards the guys.

"Marley i said stop teasing me!!" I yelled tryna catch up on her. I thought shes scared of water!? How can she swim this fast! I finally caught her and i wrapped my arms around her waist tight so she cant run away again. She laughed and wrapped her legs around my body and her arms on my neck.

There was a sudden silence between us, she pulled me close and i leaned in and thought that shes gonna tease me again but instead our lips crashed together. I felt fireworks going off inside me. She pulled away and hugged me real tight "i love you harry" she whispered. "I love you more" i answered back and kissed her forehead.

Marley's pov

We started swimming back to the shore and its already getting dark.

"Marley! There was an announcement that theres gonna be a beach party later in that huge cottage!" Britt said excitedly.

"Omg!! We should totally go" i said

"Great i already asked the guys and they're coming with us and dont worry one of my bodyguards and rocky will be outside the cottage for us." Britt said and she left with louis calling her name.

We were heading towards the cottage and we're still wearing our swim suits. As we walked in music was blasting, people dancing on the other side and people drinking on the other side. There's couples making out everywhere.. Sluts everywere of course. Zayn,liam and louis already went to the dancefloor, started dancing crazily while me,harry,britt and niall was at the bar having some drinks. Harry didnt drink much so he could look after me because i think britt told him that i go crazy whenever im drunk. Britt and i already took our 6th glass of beer, i can feel that im already drunk because i cant stop laughing and talking. "Harreehh!? Your body looks so sexy tonight!" I yelled and started licking his neck and ear. "Babe your drunk i think i should bring you home no before you do any thing bad" harry said worriedly.

"Listen harrystyles.. Im good dont worry about me." I stood up and went to the dancefloor with brittney and danced like theres no tomorrow. I saw 12 guys coming over and started dancing with me and britt some guys are started to feel up my arms and legs, i didnt care i continued dancing.

Brittney's pov

Marley and i were having the time of our life, when half the guys on the dance floor came up to us and started dancing and feeling up our arms and legs. When suddenly i louis came up behind me and whispered "babe i think you had enough" he kissed my forehead and carried me on his shoulder, i really couldnt do anything so i just hang there like an idiot and people staring at me but i didnt care.

Harry's pov

I saw louis getting angry of the guys grinding on her girl so he took her, off the dancefloor and carried her on his shoulder to the long cushion chair at the other side of the bar. I was looking for marley when i saw her dancing surrounded by guys and they're touching her legs and butt. She didnt notice any of that cuz she fucking drunk! I felt like my blood is boiling up, and i just wanna throw a freaking chair at those guys. I went over to her, i was pushing the guys away from her and carried her on my shoulder. I carried her to where the guys and britt are, i sat her down and she yelled "bitch i wanna dance!!! So get the fuck off me!" She tries to stand up but liam and i are holding her down. "Babe calm down your drunk and its really not a good idea to leave you out there dancing" i said to marley getting frustrated.

Brittney is already passed out on louis' lap and louis still having a little bit of drinks. Niall, liam and zayn left with some random girls in the dance floor.

"Haaaarreeh... If yo- you love m-me you ha-have to let me dance!" Marley said tryna talk. She gave those puppy eyes and gave me a wet kiss on my neck, that sends shiver through my body.

"Babe im sorry but i cant! Leave you there!" Louis and i decided to leave the cottage with marley and britt on our shoulders sleeping.

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