So What?

54 4 1

This is it,
The last straw.

I cannot take this anymore,
People caring about stupid, meaningless things,
While we could be worried about others.

Why does it matter if I swear?

Why does it matter if I only wear dark clothing?

Why does it matter that my hair is a certain length and that my face nearly resembles a pizza?


Does this impact your life or the life of others so much as to cause you to point and laugh and jeer and scold?

I am so confused that so many people care about these meaningless things,
Does it really matter in the end anyway?

So what?
I swear,
That doesn't make me a bad person.

So what?
I wear dark clothing,
That doesn't tell you anything about me.

So what?
I am horrible at sports,
That is not a bad thing, it's just something.

So what,
So what?
So what!

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