chapter 1

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I'm not starting from the very beginning of birth. I'm starting where I feel I started to see, to live. But before we get there, we must say why I decided to write this. I decided to write this because 2015 is a very important year to me, not when I started to see and live, but when I realized that I was seeing, if that makes sense.
I was sitting on the light green couch of my dark yet light living room when the idea sprung my mind, "I want to conduct a tattoo for this year".
I went to my room and thought about it after grabbing a notepad and a few pens, since I knew they were running empty. I started to write what I want my tattoo to look like on a graphed page and then it hit me: I'll write this. Publish it and tell the world, show them because I can't keep it to myself anymore, and I can't tell my family, and it's kinda sad that I can type it and feel better rather than saying it to someone's face. The world is cruel. Here's my life.

my life : Grace SmithWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt