chapter 2 pt. 2

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ok part two, I know.
The notebook
Is my world.
It all started one night specifically.
I had a rage about people being mean and rude because of people's likes and interests so I sprouted an idea, and typed it on my phone.
Few nights later, the night, I was told I was getting a new phone so I scrambled to find a note book and wrote it down.
That idea gained a melody.
It became the song of rage I had planned on having the whole time.
It only led to writing my life.
I ended up needing a new notebook after about 4-5 months and that is the notebook in part one.
Much more on these details but previously, it is getting late and you now have four parts up and I just started writing about 15 minutes ago. Until tomorrow/later my frens.
love y'all.
I love saying y'all.
It's great.
Don't ask why.


my life : Grace SmithWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt