Chapter 2

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I managed to find Seth pretty easily and strolled up to him as slowly as I could, reluctant to leave the only home I had known for the past two hundred years. Flicking his cigarette butt onto the floor he turned to look at me without saying anything with what looked like a worried face. Maybe he was worried about how I would fit into the world too. Then he bent and picked up the suitcase from my hands into his own.

With a nudge from Seth I finally started walking again, away from the sewer lines and through the town. Every nerve in my body wanted to run back to the sewers, but I pushed through and kept walking away. If I didn't leave now, I don't think I ever would. And I would never have the freedom I have dreamt about for so long.

It wasn't too bad at the moment if I was honest, Seth had decided that it would be best if we made the trip at dark rather than lugging my stuff over during the day where we was sure to be blocked and strolling behind groups of people doing their shopping. Seeing his sense I agreed, not telling him that really I preferred it to daylight just in case Seth's lessons had been a waste of time and I couldn't keep the walls that I had placed in my mind up keeping away the voices of others.

"So how long till we get there?" I asked. Come to think of it he hadn't even told me where it was we was headed other than his house.

"Not too long, it's just out of the town," he said as brisk as ever.

Seth wasn't much of a talker really, especially when it came to talking about him and his life. The only time he did go on and on was when he was lecturing me or trying to teach me something, both included a lot of cursing.

Not that I minded really, I liked it better when he was silent. It gave me time to go over my thoughts and what I had learned from him.

For instance I finally found out that I wasn't completely crazy when it came to me hearing thought's that where not my own. It turns out that it's actually a side effect from being what I am, a creature of the night as Seth likes to call us. Whereas me I've read enough books to know that the more popular term is a Vampire. But according to Seth there are only so many of us who are blessed with the gift of mind-reading.

At first when he called it a gift I out-right laughed in his face, this 'gift' had been nothing but trouble for me and caused me to think I was insane and whole up in a sewer for the past two hundred years. But then Seth explained why it had done that, apparently there are ways to control this gift and if I had been trained properly I would have no problem differentiating other people's thoughts to my own.

That was what made me let Seth stay and help me. The reason he gave me about stalking and chasing me was because he noticed I was a Vampire that had no idea what I was and he wanted to help me control what I was before I started killing all of the people in 'his' town. That was until I told him how old I was, then he didn't worry so much. Even still he said he wanted to help me and I agreed seeing as though I couldn't be insane for the rest of my life. No matter how fun that sounded.

Since then he has taught me how to block out other people's thoughts they no longer infiltrate my brain, he has also taught me how to zone into one person and read their thoughts only. It felt quite horrible actually, it was one thing to listen to the thoughts of others when I couldn't control it. But to purposely intrude on someone's private life just felt morally wrong.

He also told me that I would be able to block my thoughts, but he wouldn't teach me that just yet. Hence the moving right now. He said that he would teach me everything there was but he would no longer teach me until I got the hell out of those sewers. I wouldn't have agreed if it weren't for the fact that he also said he would try and help figure out my past; before I turned Vampire.

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