Happy birthday to me!

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My name is Jessica Moonlight and i lived in this place called Australia, until my 15th birthday i had a pretty normal life. I had three sisters and a mom and a step dad, i had a dog and a weird looking bird that my parents think is a budgie. It was three days before my birthday when i noticed that something was off, mom and dad where packing my things (like everything i own) into suit cases and mom had called my friend Anthony Collingwood's mother telling her to pack Anthony's things. I didn't think much of it, i knew that he was coming over to hang out anyway, maybe this was for a sleep over. But if that's the case then why are my things packed?

"Jessica! Get up, Anthony will be here any minute now hurry up and get dressed!" I heard my mom yell out to me. I got up and got dressed in a blue dress and black shoes, i looked in the mirror and saw a girl of pale skin, brown hair and shimmering green eyes with hints of brown, grey, yellow and blue just like always, it was the day before my birthday, mom said we where going somewhere today but she looked like she was going to cry. I pushed those thoughts away when i heard someone knock on the door, i thought it was Anthony and i was correct but someone was with him. Anthony was dressed in his black ops shirt and red shorts and had sandals on, he had short brownish dark hair and was tanned skinned, like me he was 15 and was an inch shorter than me, the man next to him looked familiar to me, he had red hair the color of blood and a red jacket with red trousers, he looked 18 and was really pale and had(what i thought was) red contacts in his eyes

"Hot enough for ya mate?" i asked politely, he just looked at me like as if i was the one wearing the hot clothes. "Jessica! I see you've met your cousin ....." Mom said looking at the stranger for an answer to a hidden question, "Knockout, may i talk to you about the arrangements miss moonlight?" 'Knockout' said to my mom and she led him inside. As mom and Knockout talked in a whisper Anthony and i where playing Monopoly in my room which was almost bare, "Looks like my room when my mom finished packing my things." Anthony looked around the room seeing only my little sisters things still their. "Have you noticed something weird about that new guy?" He asked curiously, "Other than the fact that he has the same color eyes, skin, clothes and same name as one of our favorite Decepticons? Nope nothing unusual their." We both laughed at how silly it sounded and continued our game.

An hour later Knockout knocked on the door and said that it was time to say good bye and leave, we grabbed the game and left out the front door. "I'll meet you at the car ok." Knockout said as he walked into my room. It felt like forever until he came to the car (witch was a red Austen martin car) without my family. I looked through the wire door and they acted like i never left the house. "Dude look at my parents, their happy." i showed Anthony and he nodded, "That's the same thing that happened with my family, one minute they were crying and the next they were fine." Knockout got into the car mumbling about having to stay up all night erasing minds, i shook it off thinking i miss heard him. He looked at me and smiled, then handed me my teddy bear, "You don't wanna lose this kid might have worse nightmares than ever before." I nodded to him and took my bear, Momo, from his hands and held it tight. I never new my real dad, mom always complained that it smelled like the 'bastard' no matter how many times she cleaned it. I liked the smell though, it was relaxing and gave me sweet dreams no matter how bad my day was, even though i never met him i still loved my dad.

Knockout put in some co-ordinance into the GPS then started the car and we were off. For most of the ride Anthony and i talked about what it would be like to do certain jobs like fire man or police officer or farmer, stuff like that, after a while we looked out of our windows to see what animals where on each farm. We reached a small town called Dumbleyoung and got some toasted ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch, Knockout must have never seen a Kangaroo before because one hopped over to him and he backed away from it. "Go away, leave me alone!" "Chill out Knockout, its just a Kangaroo, the beggar wont hurt you." I'm not sure if he believed me though. Knockout gave us some drinks in the car telling us to be careful not to spill them, Anthony and Knockout got blue drinks while i got a purple drink which tasted funny but good. We kept going down a dirt road mostly hearing Knockout complaining on how long it was going to take to buff and clean the car of dirt and scratches. "This is so boring now. Can i put some music on please?" "Fine give it here I'm not going to let you touch the radio." Knockout said roughly, i didn't blame him though he must have been sweating like a polar bear walking through a desert because of his clothes.

I watched him put the CD into the CD player on the radio and turned it up loud the way i liked it. the song 'Highway to hell' blasted out of the speakers and we all laughed and sang to the music. After a few hours all of the songs had played and it was getting dark. "We should pull over for the night in case you get pulled over for tired driving." i tried to get him to go to the side of the road for the night but he only pulled over to get our pillows and blankets and tucked us in on opposite sides of the car. "What about you?" Anthony asked worried that we might crash while the both of us slept. "Don't worry child I'll be alright. You just worry about sleeping soundly." Soon Anthony and i drifted off to sleep and i could no longer hear anything around me.

A while later i felt something metallic and soft under me, it felt so friendly and warm, and heard the murmuring of a soft but harsh voice "So how did the trip go? Dose she know about us?" "As far as i can tell my liege they do know about us but don't really think we exist." i think that was Knockout, the ground shook for a bit and then i felt like i was sliding down something like a slide, "I will see you soon little one." i felt a soft kiss on my fore head and heard a couple of thumps then i was back to not feeling or hearing anything but warmth and softness.

~ Morning~

It was the day of my birthday and i slept in by accident, i waited for mom to tell me to 'get my lazy ass out of bed' but she didn't. I opened my eyes staring at a vanilla colored sheet and remembered that my family wasn't with me any more, i lifted the sheet off my face and found myself in a beautiful light purple room with all of my belongings in it. Across the room their was a beautiful dark purple dress with flowers at the bottom and red crystals at the top, their was a note on top that said 'wear me'. I put the dress on and immediately saw how beautifully it shimmered in the light. I saw a small door beside the mirror and had a sign saying 'games room/ leads to Anthony's room'. I opened the door to find shelves filled with video games, books, and music. Their was a large flat-screen TV on the wall and millions of devices for the games. I saw a side room for playing board games, both of the rooms had bean bag chairs that looked freshly filled. I made my way to a door that read 'Anthony's room please knock first.' I knocked on the door and soon enough Anthony answered the door, "Happy birthday Jessica, nice dress." Anthony was dressed in a shirt that looked like a tux and black shorts. "Thanks Anthony." Anthony's room was just like mine except it had boys stuff not girls stuff.

There was a knock on Anthony's door and a silver and red mech walked though the door. "Good morning humans ready to see lord Megatron?" he looks at the both of us and smiled at me, "You look beautiful birthday girl." He said with a soft voice. "Thank you Knockout but how do you know its my birthday?" he looked confused and then he smiled once more, "You'll have everything explained to you once we go ..." "To the throne room to see Megatron, Starscream and Soundwave we know." Anthony and i chanted the end of the sentence for him. He laughed and then held out his hand and we climbed on. "Ok then lets go." Knockout said as we exited the room and headed for the throne room.

We walked down the corridor and didn't see anyone around like as if the ship was abandoned. We soon reached the throne room and opened the door, it was dark and just as Knockout flipped the lights on vehicons, eradicons and others jumped out of hiding yelling "surprise happy birthday Jessica!" i felt more happy than i had ever felt in my life, everyone then moved to the side and Megatron walked up to us and said something that turned my world around, "Happy birthday my daughter."

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