Chapter 11

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"Jane it's a miracle! Your fathers woken up!" Starscream raced around the corner slamming into Anthony and i who were carrying closed energon cubes to the med bay. "Wow mum slow down whats this about miracles?" We picked up the energon cubes as mum told us what happened at the med bay, "I knew Bumble bee wasn't a bastard like the others! Come on Anthony lets go see him!" We all raced down the corridors to the med bay some how keeping all the energon together. Starscream quietly knocked on the door and we entered quietly, i nearly cried when i saw my dad on the birth talking to Knockout about what he can and can't do for the next few weeks, i ran up to my dad and hugged him tightly making him cough out his air. "I see I've been missed." he said hugging me close and i have to say that when you think you've almost lost someone than you really can't stop crying in the persons arms.

Knockout said that dad has to stay in the med bay for a while for him to fully recover, i almost chucked a fit when he said that dad can't be able to see me fly on my own but dad assured me that he would make sure he would. The reason why this occasion means a lot to me is that i am now off my training wings and can fly on my own for the first time and i want my dad to be with me to see me fly. Mum brought in Spot(who had a large spot on his face), Dawn(who was the color of the setting sky), Flame(who was red and yellow) and Crystal(who was a light blue color) to see dad and hug him. Ebony and Chase had fun playing with the monitors in the med bay while Knockout had 'fun' chasing them away from the monitors.

The next day Anthony and i went on a scouting mission to find an artifact signal that Soundwave picked up. Soundwave made Lazerbeak follow us to make sure we stay safe and don't go looking for trouble. I learned my lesson about looking for trouble after being captured by the Autobots, "Come on Anthony were so close now can't you feel it?" "I don't know about this Jane it seems too easy, usually the Autobots would be here by now." And speak of the devil then he arrives because the Autobots were around the corner from us, "Aw shit." we hid behind some rocks and waited for them to pass.   

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