Chapter 4

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~ "We wish you a merry Christmas, We wish you a merry Christmas......." Soundwave played on his alarm clock. It has been three months since we arrived on the Nemesis and snow was literally all over the ship and inside! "Who forgot to close the door?" my dad yelled trapped in his room that was filled with snow. It took an hour to get the snow cleared away. "Sir the door was closed the pressure of the wind must have re-opened it." one of the vehicons reported. That's when Prediking ran in to the throne room and shook off a large mattress of snow! "Prediking! i thought i told you......." my dad began, "Daddy! you promised!" i gave him a huge eyed look that made him re-consider, "All right he can stay in as long as he doesn't break anything." dad said softly. I jumped up with joy and ran to hug Prediking. He was like a dog, i gave him the nick-name 'bear' after an old dog i used to have.

"Great! Were snowed inside, its freezing cold and the ground bridge is still not working! How can this get any worse?" Ebony screamed, clearly not use to the cold temperatures. "Don't get your knickers in a twist were fine the vehicons are working on clearing the snow right now." i said softly. I was trying to keep Chase calm while Knockout cradled us in his hands. "You must be crazy bitch because i am human, and if i don't get warmth soon then I'm not going to be happy." Hanna was getting on my nerves more than ever now! "Jane, you may kill her now, i don't need her any more." father was whispering loud enough for Hanna to hear. The little bitch almost laughed but my smile must have made her change her mind, Knockout grabbed her smiling like a maniac and Starscream gave me a knife, Starscream took Chase into the other room so that he wouldn't be given nightmares. It was over and not very exciting, she didn't even try to fight back when i stabbed her.

I heard cheering from the others, "Wow she must have been a real bitch." i said to Anthony and we just laughed at the idea of it all. It was 9.00am when the snow was cleared away and we headed to the control room to open presents, Anthony and i got loads of large Cyber-sized toys and clothes, so did Ebony and Chase. "Whats with everything being so big?" Ebony asked the question on all our minds. "Well, if you really want to know...... go ahead Starscream tell them i can just see you exploding if you wait any longer." dad laughed as he looked at his second. "YOUR GOING TO BE LIKE US SOON." he screeched so loud that a bunch of glasses broke. Anthony and i nearly screamed, us? Cybertronions? Hell yes! I rubbed my eyes to be sure i wasn't dreaming. "But your going to have to wait till we get to warmer climates, once you are in your Cyber-form it will take some time for it to defend against temperatures like this." Knockout said. Breakdown looked at me curiously, "Ah Jane, I've been meaning to ask, why are you wearing a singlet and shorts in the North pole?" I looked at him realizing that he was right, everyone else was rugged up(Except for my dad) and i was in summer clothing. "I just don't feel the cold as well as others can." "Or the heat." Anthony chimed in. Dad laughed slightly, "Guess its in the genes, i don't feel heat or cold like my solders can." Finally! Someone who understands!


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