Chapter 5: New Friends

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Jack spent the whole of the next morning bouncing up and down and staring at the clock. Finally, lunch time came.
"There's Sandy and Pascal! Let's sit there." Punzie said.
"I have a better idea." Jack said with a suspicious smile.
"I don't like that face." Hiccup said.
Once the boys and Merida had gotten their food, Jack led them all to a table in the farthest corner of the cafeteria, where three teenagers sat.
"Uhh, Jack, I hope you're not going where I think you are." Merida said.
Punzie and Hiccup suddenly realised where they were going. "No, Jack, we can't sit with the Andies, that's a very bad idea." Punzie grabbed Jack's arm.
"We told you, the Andies are like a cult, I'm pretty sure they'd sacrifice us or something if we sit with them!" Hiccup tried to step in front of his friend, but Jack just kept on walking.
"C'mon, live dangerously!"

"Hello! Can we sit here?" Jack asked brightly. The three Andies just stared at him. "I don't believe we've met, I'm Jack, this is Punzie, Hiccup, and- it seems Merida didn't follow us, oh well, what are your names?"
The Andies exchanged looks, then the girl burst out with laughter, the tall guy tried to hide a smile, but the stocky guy with the buzz-cut just glared.
"I'm Jessie, this is Woody and Buzz." The girl had dark red hair under a cowboy hat.
"Buzz is a little grumpy, we apologise. He just lost our bet." Woody, the tall brunet who also wore a cowboy hat, explained.
"What bet is that?" Punzie asked.
"We had a bet on how long it would take for someone to try and make friends with us." Jessie giggled, "Buzz said no one would for at least the first term, Woody said in the first week, I said everything in between. In fact, thinking about it, isn't it the second week of term now?" She batted her lashes at Woody.
Both boys groaned and pulled out their wallets, Jessie fist-pumped the air in triumph.
"Hi, guys, is this seat taken?" A girl with platinum blonde hair indicated to one of the empty chairs at the end of the table.
"I guess it is now." Jack grinned, "Hi Elsa!"
Elsa sat down.
"We seem to really popular today." Woody remarked.
"So, what did Anna say?" Jack leaned toward Elsa eagerly.
"Mostly it was difficult to understand, she starts babbling when she's upset, and she stopped finishing her sentences when I told her that I'd done her a favour by giving her Hiccup's message name."
"Ohhh, now that makes sense." Hiccup said.
"So our plan of revenge worked?" Jack asked.
"Uhh, my plan of revenge worked, you just helped out a little." Elsa flipped her hair back over her shoulder.
"Excuse me? Do you really think it was that easy to convince the sarcastic squirt to do anything without fully explaining what it was?"
Elsa waved it off. "Oh, please, that was hardly difficult."
"Um, sorry," Punzie interrupted, "Very confused, what happened?" The three Andies nodded in agreement.
"Anna decided it would be funny if she gave Jack my message name and told him to message me, with more discretion but still, then, when we realised what she's done, we got Hiccup to message her as a form of revenge." Elsa explained.
"Ah, and it worked?" Jessie asked.
"Yes." Replied a voice that suddenly appeared behind Elsa. The girl there had the exact same facial features as Elsa, except her hair was strawberry blonde.
"You must be Anna." Punzie said kindly.
"Yeah, I just wanted to clarify that, unlike what everyone thinks, I don't actually have a crush on Hiccup. It's a stupid and untrue rumour." She turned on her heal and speed-walked back to where the rest of the Royals were sitting.
"Aww, she seems so upset." Punzie said when the younger girl was out of earshot.
"I feel bad now." Jack said.
"You shouldn't, she's just saying that so Hans doesn't think she likes someone else." Everyone turned to look at Buzz when he said that. "What? I may be an Andy but I'm not blind."
"Who's Hans?" Elsa asked.
"He's one of Pitch's goons, well, one of his lesser goons. He still goes to school regularly and is just waiting for a chance to climb up the social ladder, everyone thinks he's trying to get together with one of the Princesses to do so. He's a total jerk, but a few people have noticed how Anna gets all giggly around him."
"Gee, I really hope they don't start dating." Elsa looked down at the table as she spoke.
"Don't worry, she's a big girl, she can take care of herself." Punzie soothed.
"Hey look, more people are coming." Buzz pointed at two boys who were walking over. Jack recognised them as the Hamada brothers that Milo had pointed out to him on his first day.
"Oh, it's Tadashi and Hiro," Elsa said as the older boy waved at her and indicated for her to come, still being too far to talk without yelling. "They probably need help with the robotics project, I'd better go, it was great talking with you all!" She picked up her lunch tray and went to where the boys had now sat down.
"And we'd better head to our lockers before the avalanche of teenagers finish their lunch." Woody said, he and the other Andies got up to leave.
"Thanks so much for sitting with us!" Jessie said as they walked away. "And earning me $40!"
When they had gone, Merida walked up, "Have they gone to get their fellow cult members to better overpower you for their sacrifice?" She asked, sitting down.
"No, actually, they were really nice." Punzie said, taking a bite of her salad-filled sandwich.
"And did I see Elsa Arendell, Queen of the Elite, sitting here?" Merida snatched the last bite of Punzie's sandwich and popped it into her own mouth.
"That was Jack's doing, they made a super-secret plan to get revenge on Anna and were comparing notes on their success." Hiccup discretely moved his lunch to better protect it from the red-head's hunger.
Merida looked at Jack with a look of approval. "You really like getting on people's nerves, don't you."
"Yep!" He grabbed the apple sitting on her lunch tray and took a massive bite.
"What?! Why would you-? I haven't even started eating that yet? I was gonna save it for Algebra!" She groaned in annoyance, and Jack laughed.
"Well, if you two are finished making frenemies of each other, we should be getting ready for class." He stood to take his leave, "Coming, Mer?"
She jumped up from her chair and pulled her shoulder bag over her head, "'Mer'?"
"Yeah, 'Merida' takes too long to say, I like Mer." They started walking away together, accidentally bumping shoulders.
Jack and Punzie exchanged knowledgeable looks and grins, then started making their own way to class.


Punzie and Merida.

Merida101: How's Chem with Jack?

PrincessRapunzel6: He just spilled a suspicious looking liquid on his jeans.

Merida101: That sounds very Jack-like. Hey, maybe its corrosive! That'll be funny.

PrincessRapunzel6: I can imagine his reaction all too well. Do you think he'll go for "oh, oops I'm so clumsy now my clothes are just falling away" or "jeez, Punzie, if you wanted me to strip, you coulda asked! No need to get creative!"

Merida101: There's no way he'd say the second, it's too close to him declaring his undying love for you.

PrincessRapunzel6: And he'd care because...?

Merida101: Because he totally has undying love for you.

PrincessRapunzel6: No he doesn't, plus, when 'undying love' comes into the conversation, all I can think about is you and Hiccup.

Merida101: Me 'n' Hiccup?! That little squirt?! No way!

PrincessRapunzel6: You're gonna be really upset you said that when he goes through puberty and comes out hot.

Merida101: Whatever, I'm so not into him. At all. Never. Uh uh.

PrincessRapunzel6: You are so into him.

Merida101: I am not!!!

PrincessRapunzel6: You keep telling yourself that.

Merida101: I swear if you start spreading rumours then I'll tell Jack about your super-secret crush on him!

PrincessRapunzel6: I don't have a super-secret crush on Jack!

Merida101: You're right, it's not really secret.

PrincessRapunzel6: Well, I don't have any kind of crush on Jack.

Merida101: You're gonna be really upset you said that when he finally gets the courage to ask you out.


Hiccup and Jack

FrostFlake: Do you think Punzie would say yes if I asked her out?

HicHicHiccup411: I KNEW IT!!!!! This ship is sailing, ladies and gentlemen, mark this down, this is HISTORY!!!!!!!

FrostFlake: Yeah yeah yeah, don't get your knickers in a twist.

HicHicHiccup411: She would definitely say yes, the only person who's even nearly as love struck as she is, is you.

FrostFlake: So, my wingman, what form of date shall be our first? Shall it be a double-date with you and the red-head?

HicHicHiccup411: We've been through this Jack, I do not like Anna.

FrostFlake: I was talking about Merida. ;)

HicHicHiccup411: That's even worse. Let's just talk about you and Punzie.


Hiccup and Merida.

HicHicHiccup411: Jack's gonna ask Punzie out!!!

Merida101: Really?! Talk about finally!!

HicHicHiccup411: Ikr? Where do you think they should go? Jack's thinking through options with his magnificent wingman *puffs out chest importantly*

Merida101: Maybe the cinema? It's not too pricey for our little Jack. Hey, do you think he'd let me film him asking her out? We could show it at their wedding!!

HicHicHiccup411: You're getting a little ahead of yourself.

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